Enviado por ale.moreno.96 • 25 de Febrero de 2014 • 1.980 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 194 Visitas
Paleolithic : 4 million years ago. Paleo : old Lithos: stone / rock *humanoids -- Australopithecus. (1.20, arched backs, no thumbs)
lived in caves.
tools of rough stone.
Preserved fire, unknowledge of how to start one.
organized communities.
Neolithic : 10,000 B.C. (ended around 3,500 B.C) Neo: new Lithos: stone / rock *Neolithic Revolution
Polished stone tools
Agriculture (sedentary)
Use and control of fire
Make their food by themselves
Use of wheel.
Bronze Age : 3,500 years B.C.
organized civilizations
settled communities
writing began
- Sumer civilization
first in the world to write
build city-states
engineers -- canal for water to flow through the fields
women have rights
slaves buy freedom
use bricks to build temples -- ziggurats (6 or 7 floors)
“History began in Sumer”
Babylonians :
beautiful city
King Hammurabi wrote the first set of laws (300 laws). -- Hammurabi’s code
“An eye for an eye”
Hebrews :
wandering tribe in Mesopotamia
Abraham was the first leader
First to believe in one god.
Yahweh :
Called Abraham to be the leader of his tribe
They got around Israel
They were forced to travel to Egypt, where the Egyptians enslaved them
Moses :
Free the people of Egypt
10 commandments
Kingdom of Israel :
Land where the people of Israel were settled
Capital -> Jerusalem
Phoenicians :
Settled in what is now Lebanon
Built vessels (boats) to travel across the Mediterranean Sea
Experts in trade
Were the first to assign a single sound to a symbol
Dyed the tunics purple : Elegant people
Nile River :
Is the longest river in the world
The only river that flows from South to North.
Egypt :
Located in the northeastern part of Africa
the pharaohs were their kings
Pyramids were the pharaohs’s tomb
They were Polytheists
Hatshepsut :
Famous queen of Egypt
ruled for 20 years
symbols of power : shepherd stick and a whip
Amon Ra : Sun god
Isis - Osiris - Seth Seth represented chaos and vicious Osiris was the underworld god Isis an Osiris fell in love; seth got jealous so he made a party . There was a box , in which he trapped Osiris and stabbed him. Isis cried and with her teardrops formed the Nile River. She went all around the world searching her husband’s pieces, when she collected them, she put Osiris together for a few minutes. They had a son called Horus:( Eye of Falcon). Horus defeated Seth.
Akhenaton : first to believe in one god. Married Nefertiti
Tutankamon : followed his mother, Nefertiti, into power. He died very young.
Hieroglyphics : Writing system of the Egyptians. Ideograms.
Rosetta Stone : Written in Modern / Ancient Egyptian and Greek
Napoleon went to Egypt he fell in love with it, he took some of the things back (The Obelisk from La Place de la Concorde). Later Egypt was conquered by: Alexander The Great and Ptolomy. When Alexander died , the generals divided his territory. Ptolomy got Egypt.
Our western culture is a mix of : Hebrews, Christians, Greeks, and Romans.
They invented math, music, and theatre.
They thought that the body was a perfect machine.
Marathon -> invented in memory of Philippides.
Located in the Balkan peninsula . (South) 2,000 B.C.
Everything is related to Greek Mythology.(Literature, Arts, Music, Philosophy, Architecture).
Greece is Western Europe .
The first greeks lived in the island of Crete Cratos -- power
Literature -- Iliad (How Troy was conquered by the greeks) and Odyssey (Ulysses' story) = by Homer. Weren’t written.
Ilium : Greek name for Troy.
Settled in polis : city-states. (independent, self-governing)
Women had not rights
Most important polis: Athens -> focused on philosophy, art, poetry, theatre, and navy. Sparta -> focused on war.
Governments : Monarchy -- Tyranny Aristocracy -- Oligarchy Democracy -- Demagogy
Eclesia : Assembly
Acropolis : hill in which the polis were settled.
Greece’s enemy was Persia. There were 2 wars: - 490: Cirus the Great. Athens won. - 480: Xerxes (Cirus’s son). Athens was destroyed, but Persia was defeated.
Peloponnesian war: 27 years. Between Athens and Sparta.
Philip of Macedon: United Greece. Father of Alexander
Hellenism: Spread of Greek culture around the world.
Advanced civilization
Legal system is the base of today’s system
very well organized
Descendants of Romulus and Remo
Spoke latin
Romulus and Remo They were alone in a forest, a female wolf gave them milk. A shepherd found them. Romulus kills Remo. Romulus became the 1st king of Rome.
Monarchy -- 7 kings (753-509 B.C.) Republic -- Senate (300 members). 2 consuls. (508-27 B.C.) Empire -- Period where Jesus is born. (27 B.C.- 476 A.D.)
The second king/queen was a woman named Roma. Arrived at Italy and stayed there.
The 3rd king was Eneas : Trojan prince who found Rome. Son of Aphrodite.
Kings of Rome
Monarchy: 1st : Romulus 7th : Lucius Tarquinius “ The Proud ” . When he was overthrown and the Republic began. * Republic: Res -- thing. Republic -- Public things.
only patricians can vote.
plebeians -> if they were free they were citizens, pay taxes, right to vote.
110 B.C. : Marius seized power, backed up by army. Sulla VS. Marius; Sulla won. End of Republic.
Phoenicians(Carthage): The leader was Hannibal. Invaded Rome. 3 times = Punic Wars
Scipio : Was a Roman general that moved Roman army to Carthage.
1st Triumvirate : Crassus -- Pompey -- Julius Caesar. > fought Sulla * Pompey VS. Julius Caesar= Julius Caesar got power and control of Rome. Spread to Egypt, there he fell in love with Cleopatra. They had a son called Caesarion. Julius was killed by Brutus.(Older son)
2nd Triumvirate : Octavian -- Mark Anthony -- Lepidus. *