- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

America Before Columbus

Enviado por   •  28 de Mayo de 2014  •  414 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  219 Visitas

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Traditionally, we are taught that the first inhabitants of America entered the continent through the Bering Strait twelve thousand years before the arrival of Columbus. But during the last thirty years, archaeologists and anthropologists have shown that these assumptions, like others also argued for some time, were wrong ... in 1491 there were more people in America than in Europe ; Some cities such as Tenochtitlan, had a greater population than any contemporary city at the time, in addition to running water , beautiful botanical gardens and immaculately clean streets ; that pre-Columbian Indians grew corn by Mexico as sophisticated procedure in the field of genetic engineering ; or Native Americans transformed the land so completely that Europeans arrived in a continent whose landscape was already shaped by humans. All that , much broader than that denote the visible archaeological remains of Incas, Mayas , Aztecs and similar cultural universe disappeared in a short time after the arrival of Europeans and for a long time it was believed that he had hardly existed. But there was and is a constant occurrence of traces , traces and data of all kinds that support the development of new historical interpretations that certify the existence of a " prosperous place of amazing diversity , with a tumult of languages, with a large trade, remarkable culture ; a region in which tens of millions of people loved and hated and worshiped as was done elsewhere in the world " The Film of America Before Columbus in 1491 is a gripping account of various research and scientific revelations of the first magnitude to be moved radically the way we see the pre-Columbian Americas .

”It has been shown that Indian companies were older, more fabulous and more complex than even twenty years ago thought possible.”

The Indian utility was higher in apparently simple things like shoes. Moccasins were much more comfortable and durable than boots worn by Europeans, and were preferred by most of them because of their soft padding also offered a quieter lurking in the war. Canoes are also good example, were faster and more manoeuvrable than any small European boat. The use of the horse is believed to be an advantage for the Europeans, but in many cases such as paved roads or the forested mountains was impassable for horses.

Suffice it to say that pre-Columbian peoples were large populations inhabited the continent before the provisions of the academy and were culturally more advanced than is popularly supposed.


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