- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

America Before And After Conquer

Enviado por   •  21 de Agosto de 2013  •  588 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  512 Visitas

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Before After

1. In 1757 the Spanish throne was occupied by Carlos III, of the dynasty of the Bourbons, who put in place both in the Iberian peninsula and in the colonies American - a series of reforms.

2. In the American colonies one of the objectives of the reforms was to foster the colonial economy to make it more lucrative for Spain.

3. This did not imply abandon the trade monopoly the prohibition that the colonies trade with other countries, but promote the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in America.

4. The Bourbons were trying to get raw materials to strengthen the Spanish economy.

5. Also to strengthen colonial link two new viceroyalties (River plate and Nueva Granada) were created and the regime of city halls was used for the division of the viceroyalties.

6. New officials were appointed directly by the Crown, which was to ensure a greater loyalty from them.

7. before the wars of "independence" already there were uprisings against the existing colonial regime. The only difference is that all these uprisings failed.

8. some types of carriages or animals used in those times to transported or moved by animals, carriages were made of wood.

9. at that time there was no militarism therefore had not kinds of extreme violence.

10. cells were used for very extreme cases therefore when some Kings were against Christianity and are les told Christians that if denied it did not die.

1. At the end of the nineteenth century, the economy, society, the State and the culture had undergone great transformations with respect to the colonial period. The style of export development had triumphed, and with it, the mining agricultural capitalism dependent.

2. The economy had been oriented toward one or two export products, to meet the needs of the global market, by that was very vulnerable to depend on the prices and the fluctuations at the international level.

3. The privatization of land, as well as its concentration or fragmentation, gave rise to the estates and its social consequences,. the existence of large groups of population desposeid of earth or with insufficient amount, which from that time had to work for the owners of the means of production of the field or the city.

4. Society is divided: is form small group key, appeared the Middle sectors and follow wide range of various workers from the countryside and the city.

5. At the end of the century, the center of the live political, social and economic, that one time was located in the plantations and farms, it was moved to the cities , where the new social forces drove the urbanization, industrialization and modernization.

6. The State, created and consolidate by Liberals,


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