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The Effect of Spain, France and England in the formation of America.

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The Effect of Spain, France and England in the formation of America

American history is very complex, first the composition of the tribes of natives throughout the continent was varied, but European colonizers were also very different from one another, resulting giving very different identities throughout the American continent, it is my intention to try to highlight the characteristics of the three main groups that participated in the conquest of America: Spain, England and France, and as the difference of these empires formed different cultures in the new continent.

To evaluate the process of conquest of America, we will analyze the period of time between 1492, when the Italian navigator Cristoforo Colombo came to America on behalf of the kingdom of Aragon and Castile, the main intention of the Spaniards was to find wealth and bring them back to Spain, in the minds of these early colonizers was to become rich and return to their homeland to enjoy its riches, remember that there was still a medieval mentality. Their settlements were in the tropical and intertropical area, which favored agriculture throughout the year and used the native labor for production agriculture and mining. Another important feature if contrasted with the English immigrant, was that most of the English family emigrated married while the Spaniards were single fortune seekers, making favored in crossbreeding. Meanwhile the French focused mainly on trade no clutch is stablished in communities merged with the natives and their customs, they showed more interest in nature.

The evaluation of the process of colonization of these three cultures will do it on the basis of:

• Time period that came to America 1492-1700

• Characteristics of Spanish, English and French.

• The way related to the natives.

• Plans for the future. (The British settle in America, the Spanish back to Spain)

• Results in politics, economy and formation of a new American identity.

Spain: Most Americans know that the typical ranches in Texas, New Mexico and California are of Spanish origin. Just as the origin of the American Dollar sign, originally was ps and was used to describe the "Spanish Weight" and then was changed to become the symbol we know today "$" to describe the American Dollar. St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States city was founded by Spaniards in 1565 also were founded by Spaniards, San Francisco, San Antonio, Tucson, Los Angeles, Santa Fe, San Diego as well as several islands in Alaska, eight of the fifty states that make up the United States have their Spanish name: California, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah.

The presence of Spain in USA to spread over 309 years, since the April 12, 1513, when Juan Ponce de Leon arrived on the shores of Florida; until 1822 when the independence of Mexico, the Spaniards finally lost their authority over territories in North America. However the Spanish legacy in the United States, reflected in American culture, the Spanish heritage is very important in religion and art. It was also very important discovery and exploration of the Pacific and extraordinary contribution of the Spanish Crown to the Independence of the United States of America.

The process in 1513, with the landing of explorer Ponce de Leon in what is now known as Florida. As the landing took place at Easter, Ponce christened it as the Land of Easter, Florida means full of flowers in Spanish.

With the arrival of Ponce de Leon to North America we can make a difference I mean in reference to the English who come aboard the Mayflower in Massachusetts 100 years later. It is good to note that this first contact between Spain and American happened in an earlier context, the protestant Reform which will make a big difference in the values and vision of what America would be in the future. One of the priorities of the Spanish in the New World, was to convert the natives to Catholicism, teach the Spanish language. The Spaniards used the natives as a labor force, but in most cases were not enslaved and their living conditions are not comparable to that of blacks from Africa and were sold as slaves, even as most of the Spanish explorers were very young and single, many were mixed with indigenous women generating crossbreeding. For these adventurers their goal was to make a fortune on this continent and then return to their hometowns to enjoy their wealth.

The involvement of land and sea forces, coupled with considerable financial help from Spain to the 13 British colonies during the American Revolution, was crucial to the independence of the nation. General George Washington, recognized the importance of this huge support for the final victory. It is good to remember the case of Bernardo de Galves who was a military leader and governor of Louisiana and Cuba, participation and support for the American cause, Galves hill access the Mississippi River to the British it could not use and supply weapons and ammunition to the American rebels, the participation of Galves is recognized by Washington with whom he shares at the parade on July 4. The city of Galveston in Texas State received its name from Galves-Town, which later changed to Galveston.

France: As the English colonies of North America, the French also have a religious origin marking due to fierce clashes that Huguenot and Catholics had staged in France during the second half of the sixteenth century.

Persecution of Protestant Christians killed a good part of the Huguenots. These were persecuted for decades had no other way but exile.

The French had founded in 1564 Fort Caroline (in current North and South Carolinas) in order to intercept the Spanish fleet laden with gold that came from Havana, this was the first French city established in America. However the French continued to explore north where they founded Quebec in 1608, the principal economic source of that region was the market for the skins, another group of explorers founded colonies in the islands called the Lesser Antilles (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Turtle, St. Lucia).

The French expanded by the Great Lakes and through the Mississippi River to what is now the state of Louisiana, in 1718 New


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