- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Functions And Effects Of The 10 Main Elements In The Human Body

Enviado por   •  12 de Noviembre de 2013  •  462 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  805 Visitas

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.-Oxygen: Enters body via respiratory system, transported by red blood cells to cells, and is used by the mitochondria to release energy from food molecules. Continuing oxygen supply is critical for survival.

.-Carbon: Is the basic building block required to form proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and it plays a crucial role in regulating the physiology of the body. Gaseous and liquid compounds that contain carbon also can affect the body.

.-Hydrogen: One of the major ways that hydrogen is used in the body is in water. Water is made up of two-thirds hydrogen atoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, water is so important that it makes up over 60 percent of your body. Because of hydrogen, the cells are able to remain hydrated, toxins and waste are able to be eliminated from the body, nutrients are able to be transported to the cells that need them, your joints are lubricated, and your body's immune system is able to send defensive cells to fight of infection-causing fungus, bacterias and viruses.

.-Nitrogen: Is important in the proper digestion of food and growth, especially in the growth of the foetus during pregnancy. Nitrogen is also a basic component in the formation of amino acids and nucleic acids that are part of the DNA formation.

.-Calcium: Is tightly linked to many of the roles that vitamin D plays in the body. In bone health (and other physiologic systems), calcium is a key player. Calcium is a mineral that must be constantly eaten to build bone and maintain the blood level of calcium.

.-Phosphorus: Is an essential mineral primarily used for growth and repair of body cells and tissuess, it is also required for a variety of biochemical processes including energy production and pH regulation.

.-Potassium: It balances the blood pressure. Is one of the most important electrolytes, these are substances that help conduct electricity in your body.

.-Sulfur: It plays an important part of many biochemical reaction like in the synthesis of protein and enzyme reactions. It also plays an important part in the protection of joints. As well as this it maintains the balance of oxygen in the body and keeps skin, hair and nails healthy. Another thing, is that it plays a rather important role in producing collagen, a type of protein found in connective tissue, keratin and hair.

.-Sodium: It ensures a proper fluid and electrolyte or pH balance in our body. It also helps our body retaining the body’s water and pH. It enables our cell walls to draw in nutrients. It plays a role in nerve function and muscle contraction.

.-Magnesium: Magnesium ions regulate over 300 biochemical reactions in the body through their role as enzyme co-factors. They also play a vital role in the reactions that generate and use ATP, the fundamental unit of energy within the body’s cells.


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