- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The effects of social media in tourism.

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It could be asserted that the historical development of tourism began since far ancient times. In fact, the men tendency of discovering and exploring new territories has decidedly influenced for the beginning of tourism and its evolution has been tied to political, economic, cultural and religious factors remaining in that proper historical period. Though, accuracy is needed to clarify that tourism as a mass industrial phenomenon (as known today), has strong growth since the half of the twentieth century, to a large extent due to media, information and promotion specially towards the economic sector, that had made the tourism industry a potential productive activity, particularly to nations and regions throughout the world, a service sector ruled, leaded by bid and demand law. For this reasons is possible to affirm that tourism had a long path for being a solid industry nowadays; in Colombia there is an strong impact of social media for encouraging for tourism.

Notwithstanding, tourism industry target does not run out within the economic character itself. Tourism understood as the exercise of travelling from and towards to a specific place, encounters a valued place for intercultural exchanges.

As previously mentioned, the practice and idea of tourism digs its roots in the “antique classic”. Some historical sources point out that the main motives to travel then and now remain the same, commercial interactions. It has been as the large engine moving tourism.  Ancient civilizations exchanged goods and culture. This exchange ended up being motivated for the further tourism and mass shifting. The tourism shifting in modern sense appears in the Roman Empire in which there was a communication system that allowed all the empire regions being communicated as easily, starting with a constant shifting with recreational interests.

The XVIII century was scene for educational travels as the “Grand Tour” of English aristocrats. At the beginning of XIX century, the development of seal and rail- road transport framework drove and strengthened tourism activity for commercial reasons, medical, botanic and cultural knowledge. At that time the travel-issue was a reserved privilege to high range class, in power, or for rich people. On the other hand, claim destination, the world supply was concentrated in the main European cities; it was there where framework made easier the promotion of tourism and recreation. In context, it is of value to mention Thomas Cook (1808-1892), a British business man who won the title of main precursor of modern tourism.  He was a pioneer of travel, agencies, and lodging organization, in 1865 he set up a travel agency that neared medium class British travelers to other destinations such as France, Italy, Egypt and Switzerland, this became of great importance from that time till the beginning of XX century where alpine sports took significant role.

The same way, Cesar Ritz a Swiss man who passed on to history memory as “King of hoteliers, and hotelier to kings“, this because his activities basically concentrated on organizing and managing deluxe hotels in the so called ancient regime which lasted until the beginning of  XX century.  During the first third of XIX century and the beginning of XX century it maybe was said that he was the luxurious life entertainer, he was in some way a master of ceremony, something which he developed as absolute personal activity. No matter where he was, he attracted kings, world famous people, and magnates’ presence.  Ritz was the first in organizing private information regarding his guests. This allowed him to have personal references of the world famous people from that time and enter into fine public relations. Notwithstanding, history recalls him as successful in hotel industry.

Finally, Tourism as a mass modern activity was consolidated only until half XX century, due to the two world-wars and deep economic depression of the thirties which in extreme devastated European basic framework. However, at half of the century, progress in aviation, trains, ships, and the remarkably development on cars and supply together with   that economic growth, security and welfare, work posts and fringe benefits gave rise to mass tourism. The spur on demand made reaction on the supply that in turn made possible the appearance of hotels chain, building construction, housing, tents, tours and organized travels and cruises, etc. In summary, during this era, mass tourism has experienced sort of innovations and advancements compared to previous stages of tourism: seasonality, international travels, in search of the sun and beach, hot weather, and others.

Strengthening of tourism activity did not stop because of these advancements. In 1946 it was conceived and set up in London the World Tourism Organization (WTO). At the beginning it was called under the name of International Union of Official Tourism Organization, it had a similar structure as an NGO with universal scope. A year later, in 1947 it was held the first assembly in The Hague, Holland. During the fifties, its headquarter office changed the place and it was established in Geneva, Switzerland. At the beginning of the sixties, cooperation became closer with the United Nations until in 1970 when the new status of the World Tourist Organization (WTO) was approved. With this name and new structure it changed from being a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to an Inter-governmental Organism. The first general assembly carrying this name was held in Madrid, Spain, in 1975, there it settled its General Secretary Office in 1976 and yet it remains today.

During these years, the WTO has become as powerful institution of counseling and tourism promotion, not only in respect of leisure time but becoming a productive source that comes up with resources and employment as well. In this sense, it was clearly seen the need to broaden its work scope, so management, and tourism development was partially allowed to private industry. The tourism organization keeps on going and looks for conscience which today calls for sustainable development and responsibility in handling natural resources and the countless number of arguments in favor of getting rid of poverty. The World Tourism Organization as UN´s specialized agency has at least theoretically, oriented its activity to promote sustainable tourism. The purpose is to organize the tourism sector in a way that helps and encourages the economic growth in the third world countries, but without overlooking the environment that could be affected by the abuse of technologies, over use or extraction of natural resources and setting up framework in places where it should not be.

To the case, there is a growing innovation movement coming from public and private organizations which using mass media are trying to help and promote the tourism in a more appropriate and persuasive way. Tourism is well seen as an economic activity that develops and generates resources has been so successful in many countries, but whose activity is not limited to make money, it also involves and contributes to cultural exchange among different countries to find and widen up prosperity within variety angles and perspectives.


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