- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ci Ingles

Enviado por   •  10 de Julio de 2015  •  252 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  152 Visitas

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matias : what are they doing?

valeria : we were talking

mario : nothing !

matias :this is not possible, I will tell to the principal

valeria : what? why? just talked

mario : You should not do this

(matias se va corriendo )

(en el pasillo )

valeria :matias, why do this?

matias : if not with me, you will not be with anyone

valeria : matias please do not do this, I will lose my job

matias : is what you deserve

(matias llega donde la directora ,golpea la puerta)

Marioli : who is it ?

Matias: i am matias,cardoza

Marioli : ahhh,matias come into my office

( matias entra y se saludan)

Matias : hi direct

marioli : Tell me, what brings you here?

Matias : the truth is not easy to say but ... I saw miss Valeria kissing mario moreno .

Marioli: whaaaat??? what you say ! can´t not be

Matias : is true,i saw them

Marioli : but... How? I need an explanation ,

Marioli : miss valeria come to my office now but now !

Marioli : i cant be ...i cant be... !! and why are you telling me? else surely would not tell me

Matias : but...but...i love miss valeria , This situation has caused me jealous

Marioli : oohhhh noooo! i cant be,i cant beee,kill meeee please,kill me!

(llega valeria y mario )

Valeria : what happen?

Marioli : matias has seen kissing ....

Mario : is true,is true, i'm sorry

valeria : I'm sorry, will not happen again

Marioli : of course, you're fired !!!!


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