Ejercicio de revista traducida
Enviado por cacaperez • 16 de Junio de 2018 • Monografía • 583 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 79 Visitas
Article: B1
Actually, we live in a totally globalized word, where we are all connected with each other. That’s way learning languages constitute a great advantage at the time we progress as students or professional. Nowadays it’s essential to learn another language since other languages are used in most areas of knowledge and human development. The primary need for students is learning different foreign languages. That’s way the university of Cadiz offers the possibility to learn languages through their superior center of modern languages. This center makes it easier for you to obtain the B1 so it offers quarterly courses or intensive courses for those who do not have so much time, and the languages offered by this center are: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Moroccan Arabic and Spanish sign language. Therefore, nowadays obtaining the B1 of any language is fundamental both to obtain the university degree and for the labor market since it opens many doors when it comes to work and allows you to access a wide range of jobs.
Article 2: Company practices
In the university, we find different types of business practices so that students can develop their knowledge and enter to the world of work. On the one hand, we find internal company practices for students of Cadiz university. These practices belong to the program of the subjects of the degree that the students are studying. The university offers the option of choosing the internships or other optional subjects that both cover the credits necessary to obtain the degree. If you decide to choose the path of practices, we must be clear that it will not be remunerated. And on the other hand, we find the external academic practices that are those training activities in collaborating entities, carried out by students of Cadiz university and supervised by it, whose objective is the same as the previous ones, but in this case, they are remunerated. This type of practices must be carried out for a maximum period of 6 months (600 hours). Exceptionally, 3 more months may be made, making a maximum total period of 9 months. The internships are very interesting both for the end-of-degree and the final-master projects, since they develop all the knowledge obtained during the university career in a practical way.
Article 3: double titillation
The Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences offer the double degree of finance and accounting labor relations and human resources. To be a double degree includes subjects of both degrees. The objective of this dual degree program is to specialize students in both titles, so that by the end of this have two university careers. In a way that enables the student to develop professional profiles system integrators for both degrees. This degree has many advantages as the various career options they offer. On the one hand, the degree of FYCO, specializes in planning and budgetary control, control and cost management and financial-accounting. With regard to the labor market inclusion of graduates, the role that develop the majority of the students are: auditors, controllers, independent professionals and managers in the public sector.