English Literature
Enviado por Hugo776 • 14 de Febrero de 2015 • 935 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 189 Visitas
The idiom English is the second language that speak here in México or in around the world, in this essay I will write about the book “Literature Teaching “in this book is related the history about the English literature is very important because the English language is widely as a second language is the official language of many countries of the Common wealth and is one of the official languages of the European Union and many organizations worldwide. It is the third most widely spoken native language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. Well then in this essay I will write a little of the history that formed across the time is say: the literature in ingles is very important because we have a lot information in this idiom for example, essays, books, literature as romantic, terror, suspense, erotic, etcetera. when I write three types of de literature that did pass for example half epoch, now, renaissance I will explain how was the history about the English literature is that we have see how was the formed this amazing idiom English.
As I mentioned in the introduction I will write about the English literature first I will explain what is the English literature? Well, English literature is all written in English, regardless of the source of their authors. Under this name works written in Old English, Middle English, Modern English and meet contemporary English and those written in dialects that the current language has around the world. I explained what is the English literature for that is all that is write in English, well as say in the book “ Literature “ of the authors Alan Dulf and Alan Maley the English was formed with different pronunciations of the deferens cultures now, I want write about that a little history of English historically, English originated from the fusion of languages and dialects, now collectively called old English , who were taken to the east coast of Britain by Germanic, the Anglo Saxons , to the 5 century dc The word English is derived of Anglos. (The Anglos was peoples that lived principally in Roman Empire) These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, crossed the North Sea from that today is Denmark and north at Germany. During this time the inhabitants of Britain saw a Celtic language. The Angles came from England and their language was called Englisc - from which the words England and English are derived. In this part I will explain what we call stages of literature.
Old English (450-1100 ad)
The invading Germanic tribes spoke similar languages, which in Britain developed into what we now call Old English. However, about half of the most commonly used words in Modern English have Old English roots. The words be, strong and water, for example, derive from Old English.
Middle English (1100-1500)
In 1066 William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy (part of modern France), invaded and