Grupo Scout Notre
Enviado por Monse Bochard • 22 de Agosto de 2018 • Documentos de Investigación • 1.137 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 167 Visitas
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Scout Group’s History
Members: -Monserrat Bochard
-Carla Aránguiz
-Cecilia Morales
-Andrea Paredes
-Josefina Vrsalovic
Teacher: -Cesar Rivas
English Elective
In this work we will talk about the history of our scout group, becasuse it hasn’t always been as we know it…
The Notre Dame School was founded in 1952. In that moment, Roberto Polain thought about include the scout movement to the school proyect, because he saw in it a self regulation structure for the students.
It’s like that how he ask the belgian teacher Emile Seutin, start this adventure. Emile, only invited a few studens to participe in a secret group, who are selected for a mission. This guys never imagened what they were started. The day of the meeting, Girafe, that was the Emile’s Totem, he wants to create a troop and they will be JP, who should invite other guys to participate in this new unit. In 1953 was born the troop Notre Dame, with the patrols Búhos, Aguiluchos and Halcones, arising like this the movement Scout in the School. At the same time, began the Manada in charge of the teachers Margarita and Jorge Gray; who created the Lobato’s athem.
The movement was growing and working in a big way, not only for the school students, also for another scout groups. That’s why the Padre Polain, with other scout chiefs, found the Scout Catholics Federation in 1958, which became legal in 1960.
Over time, the scout movement started to grow up, and the troop was separated in two, the Tropa des Bois and the Tropa des Montagne.
In 1972, the Padre Polain asked Pancho Guzman, who was a notable teacher, to create a preparation unit for the Tropa des Bois, which he called “Rangers”, who was integrated in 1973. This unit acted in scout afternoon and in the classroom.
After the Padre Polain’s death, no one knew about the way that the Notre Dame was take. That,s why, a new and secret unit born in 1981, called “Clan Ardilla”, who made themselves known in a camp in 1982, and after that, built the mast, which was a symbol to follow the Padre Polain’s legacy.
The same year, the rectory was assumed by the Padre Julio Dutilh, who wanted to strengthen the Scout movement identity and founded the Scout Notre Dame group in May 6th, and the Manada was separated in two, Manada des Neiges and Manada des Bois.
In 2008, the Notre Dame school began to admit women as students. And at the same year, the teacher Karina Oro founded the Compañia des Bois with three patrols called Panteras, which was in the troop first, Pumas and Aguilas.
In 2010, the Compañia de la Montagne was created by the teacher Anita Gonzalez, with the three patrols Alondras, Colibries and Gacelas, which completed the female units of the group. Also, the “Rangers” were closed.
In 2016, the Clan de Hermanos Mayores, a mixed unit that search to continue with the scout formation, including more technical skills and more experiences to be better assistants.