Have you ever visit a restaurant where the food is prepared in front of you?
Enviado por marialuciamaria • 26 de Marzo de 2016 • Informe • 288 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 172 Visitas
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Task 2.
- Topic: Food and restaurants
- Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
- Have you ever gone to a Peruvian restaurant?
- Have you ever eaten Chiguiro?
- Have you ever seen an alive lobster on a restaurant?
- Have you ever visit a restaurant where the food is prepared in front of you?
- Posibles respuestas (2) (te explico, tienes que responder las preguntas según lo que tus compañeros hayan preguntado en el foro, entonces las respuestas que yo te envíe puede que no sirvan para ninguna pregunta. Aun así, cumplo con lo que me mandaste en el correo.
- Cinema: Have you ever watched a good movie?- Yes I have. I watched Avatar and it was really good.
- Camping: Have you ever gone on camping?- Yes I have. I went camping last summer with my family.
- Books: Have you ever read a book of Gabriel García Marquez? Yes I have. I read cien años de soledad.
- Travel: Have you ever travel outside Colombia: No, I have never travel outside Colombia
- Technology: Have you ever had an Iphone? No, I haven´t.
- Preguntas con wh questions de acuerdo a las preguntas planteadas en el punto A
- When did you go? What was the name of the restaurant?, Did you like it?, Who did you go to?
- Where was it?, What did you eat?, How did you know about that restaurant?, Did you have a good time?, What was the best about that restaurant?
- Where did you eat it?, What did it taste like?, Have you eaten chiguiro after that time?, What did you eat with the meat?
- Where did you see it?, Where you scared?, How did it looked like?, Did you like it?. Was it on a beach?
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