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Segunda Guerra Mundial

Enviado por   •  27 de Julio de 2014  •  2.642 Palabras (11 Páginas)  •  184 Visitas

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Many times problems between countries, not just start with simple details but for large events and differences between the opinions of individual governments. Historians and people who participated in the First World War and speak materialize the Second World War is a continuation of that. After several events and battles, after losing, Germany signs a treaty that was called the Treaty of Versailles. At this time what we all know as the UN, then called League of Nations, which was created this treaty. The basis of this treaty was humiliating for any country, but Germany took it as an insult, it was great economic reward for countries that had affected Germany during the war, in addition to returning the conquered territories to their original countries. The Second World War, so far, is the largest and most imposing important that humanity has known conflict. This same cost the lives of nearly 2% of the world's population at the time, which were about 56 million people, including most of these people were just civilians. As World War 2, started September 1st of 1939 official end on September 2nd, of 1945. After 6 years of blindness, fight bloody battles and Development in Europe, ending this massive global conflict in which many countries were involved and also participated in the same.

Talking about wars and most especially of the Second World War, has obviously to remember what happened in the First World War. Which has its origins ¨ between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, as the European continent spread its influence so that countries like France, Britain and Germany was regarded as the center of the world; however, growing tensions and conflicts between the powers unleashed a series of events between 1914 and 1918, which marked the beginning of the decline of European hegemony. The First World War caused a new geographical division of the world and I mean to the imperial authorities as the Russian, Austrian, Ottoman and German. After the Great War, European political leaders representative of an entire generation had to abide by decisions from the Americas. This happened with the Treaty of Versailles, which stipulated that the defeated countries in the Great War would be obliged to pay compensation for the damage that it had thrown, which amounted to millions of dollars, change the European borders and forbade rearmament Germany. This originated a great discontent among his people, because he stayed inflamed and a deep grudge against the victors as it seemed to them a mocking said treaty. From that moment the German nation began to have a series of internal conflicts as was the overthrow of the present Kaiser, a domestic political crisis, a slow rebuilding damaged infrastructure, large illiteracies rates in children and economy: there was firms operating at the time, there was a huge deficit of unemployment and inflation. And for his bad luck, the framework is its currency; was devalued by 4.2 million to 1 compared the dollar and coupled with the great American Depression of 1929; meant that the United States no longer invest more in his country and could not keep paying the war debt so they decided to stop the payment and made an extension to pay in 60 years.

So it was time for a big change, especially in the social and political field. Then the person of Adolf Hitler, who was an Austrian who had participated in World War II with the German Army and took on the rank of second place it, appears; which had no significance. But he was very German and especially shared that feeling of the German people so slowly is getting into politics until it reaches form a fully nationalist party, which is known as the Nazi Party. That game was the main ideals were to make Germany again become the great empire that had been in the past and this would be done with the help of the people who had a deep grudge against the world and especially a huge desire leaving the situation in which they found themselves. Thus in 1932 there are an election to decide who would take the reins of the nation and since Hitler and Hindenburg was played. Being the winner Hindenburg. But in 1933 obtained the and German Chancellery and Hitler announced that the coming to power of the Nazis marked the beginning of the Third Reich, as trumpeted an empire that would last at least a thousand years. From that time Germany began to grow in all areas: employment began to be more due to the war industry. Which they had been banned but people were very influenced by the ideals of Hitler, which after the death of Hindenburg occupy his post. And the arms industry was generating jobs and the people liked it and supported it so much. But this did not solve the big problems that the nation came dragging; so a militaristic regime type similar to Italian fascism but this with a little more freedom for the people. The army began to grow more and more, less and less unemployment and German prosperity was coming was coming. So it was time for territorial expansion. Among the major steps the Fuhrer take this the following was enacted on January 1, 1934 and reads as follows: Enters into force today a decree by are which persons suffering from hereditary diseases criminals and those who have committed offenses will be compulsorily sterilized sex by surgical intervention by state doctors. The concept of hereditary disease used by the decree is very broad, and leaves hands of special courts castration of a considerably large number of people. So in the same way the Nazis persecuted groups such as intellectuals who were reluctant to accept the new ideology, the Communists and Gypsies, but they had a special hatred for Jews, which they considered as an inferior race. In 1935 France, England and Italy tried to stop the expansionism of Germany by signing a pact guaranteeing the integrity of the Austrian territory, but the German president overlooked that. But in 1938 finally achieved the annexation of Austria. Meanwhile, socialism continued to expand, particularly in Eastern Europe. With the pretext of stopping the spread of communism, the totalitarian states formed an anti-block gave great political and military force. These tensions and others gave rise to a new conflict of great magnitude, as was World War II.

Which included the participation of thirty-two nations and increased to the previous duration, the war brought the world the destruction of unimaginable proportions and consequences that substantially modified the structure of societies. The geographical map is transformed; the peoples of Africa and Asia fought and won their independence in that way. After the annexation of Austria Hitler wanted to continue its expansionist project, so it decided to annex a part of Czechoslovakia. Germans who were in their totality were rooted there. Given this German proposal the other great powers such as England and France decided not to risk an armed conflict at wing conference


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