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Story of matusita house

Enviado por   •  22 de Agosto de 2013  •  Informe  •  275 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  448 Visitas

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story of matusita house


The Matusita House is located in Lima and it’s a mysterious house.

It has two floors and mysterious things happen in the second floor.

People who went to the Matusita House say that they could hear scary noises and see strange things.

There are a lot of stories about this house.

One of the stories is that there was an European witch (a real witch) and she was living in that house, but one day the “Santa Inquisicion” captured her and she said that she got her powers from the devil .So, she was killed in the bonfire.

People say that she cursed the house.

Another story is that a Chinese man was living in that house with his wife and kids.

People say that this Chinese man killed his family and himself ; and now they’re like ghosts without rest , present in the house.

Many TV hosts went to the Matusita House with their team and they could see and hear strange things.

There was a TV host , who promised on air, that he could stay for one week in the house , only with a camera.

So, he did that, but after for days , people found him , lay down on the floor , outside the house.

He was cursing and acting like a crazy person .

So , he was interned in a mental institution .

Reports say that he was never the same after spending the nights at Matusita House.

That’s why the Matusita House is a big mystery.

Nobody knows exactly the real story about this house, but what people really knows is that this is a scary house and maybe the strangest house ever in Lima.


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