Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) History Assessment In SpaiN (CHAIN)
Enviado por piterr • 12 de Noviembre de 2014 • 529 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 230 Visitas
First received on May 11, 2010. Last updated on November 27, 2012.
The research project CHAIN (COPD Assessment History in Spain): "A Multidimensional Study on the Evolution of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)is a multicentre, observational study conducted in several areas of Spain aimed to better define COPD natural history and its phenotypes
Status Recruiting
Condition COPD
Phase N/A
Study Type Observational
Study Design Observational Model: Cohort, Time Perspective: Prospective
Official Title (COPD History Assessment In SpaiN): "Estudio Sobre la Evolución Multidimensional de la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC)".
Further study details (as provided by National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (CC))
Enrollment 2400
Start Date December 2009
Detailed Description
Observational studies are needed to ascertain the natural history and progression of COPD, and to better define its phenotypes. These two aspects are considered fundamental to a proper evaluation of current (and future) COPD treatment options, and it could possibly justify the limited impact of recent major drug trials. Currently, there remain gaps in the natural history of patients with COPD. Most data are from analysis of mild COPD patients or smokers, usually measuring only fall in FEV1, and both have significant limitations in design and interpretation. Studies in more severe patients with COPD have also been conducted mainly by studying lung function, possibly influenced by the recommendations of current guidelines for disease management. In recent years, we have more longitudinal data on changes in exercise capacity, imaging, and biomarkers, among other variables of interest, but our knowledge is yet partial. The research project CHAIN (COPD Assessment History in Spain): "A Multidimensional Study on the Evolution of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a multicenter observational study that will follow prospectively two cohorts: a) a COPD group active or former smokers (COPD cohort) and b) a group of active smokers or former smokers without COPD (control cohort). Both cohorts will be followed up for a period of at least 5 years, with visits every 12 months (and phone controls at least every 6 months). We will try to extend the monitoring of the cohort up to 10 years. CHAIN is supported by the PII of COPD SEPAR
Minimum Age Eligible for Study: 35 Years
Maximum Age Eligible for Study: 80 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Both
Inclusion Criteria: - Patients ≥ 35 years. - Diagnosis of COPD (GOLD PBD FEV1/FVC ratio <0.70). - Being in a stable phase of disease (8 weeks without exacerbation). - Cummulative smoking ≥ 10 pack-years. - Absence of asthma or other chronic