English essay.
Enviado por Alberto31 • 6 de Julio de 2016 • Ensayo • 508 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 110 Visitas
English essay
The victorian era was a period of the British history, in whom was led by queen victoria, comprending the years between 1837 and 1901. She became queen of the British empire when she was only 18 years old, during her whole reign the empire had a long period of peace, advance, industrialization and many other good aspects. The English kingdom had the economic, political and power all around the world, this due to the industrial revolution who gave the whole world many technologies advances.
On the victorian era born a very important writer, Charles Dickens, he was born the 7th of february of 1812, he is known as the grates novelist of the victorian era, due to his novels like david copperfield, great expectations, oliver twist and many others. He is considered as the emblematic writer of the victorian era because of his great artworks, he doesn’t only write novels he showed to the society the reality and rudeness of this. In the novel of great expectations he show the necesity of a kid named Pip to achieve being in a high class, to impress a girl he did the impossible until he achieve it; this shows to the society how difficult was to live in a “normal” conditions in that era, due to the poverty, the sexism, the child labours and many others negative aspects of the times.
But going deeper on the novel, great expectations, we could clearly see how the victorian era influenced on the writing of this book. The first aspect that we can see is the date that charles dickens published it, on the years 1860 and 1861, this years are in the middle of the victorian era and obviously the outside world influenced in the writting of the novel. Another aspect of the victorian era we can see on the novel is the blacksmithing, this was the tipical job of the working class of that time, joe gargery was one of them and pip was training to be like him. Another aspect is the poverty in the lower class, many people of the era suffered hunger and were homeless due to the dificulty of the situation, this made many people becoming poor and going to the street to sell their services to gain a little amount of money, so they can survive. Other thing that was classic of that era was the sexism in the society, an example of this was the sister of pip, we never see her name it is always joe’s gargery wife, like she was only an object and not a person.
As we can see on the victorian era we had a lot of great advances and development, but not all was beautiful and nice because they had their problems and consequences, and all of the good and bad things were shown on the novels that were written by Charles Dickens.