- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Essay Of English

Enviado por   •  18 de Enero de 2015  •  260 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  2.529 Visitas

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Essay - All young people who have the opportunity should study in a foreign school or college for a year. Do you agree?

While on exchange, exchange students will benefit from a multitude of unique life experiences which they might not have had in their native countries. Thanks to a number of reasons I have come to the conclusion that students should study in a foreign school for a year. The first reason is that when you study abroad one typically has the chance to thoroughly experience the culture of their host country. This occurs through direct application as a result of living with a family native to the region, going to school with true residents of the country, and through various other means. The next reason is that while on exchange, students have the opportunity to learn a foreign language as they never had before. Bombarded in all directions by the host language after their arrival, young people will learn much more of that country’s tongue than they ever could sitting in a classroom. Another reason is that being an exchange student you will meet friends from all around the world. The last main reason is that during an exchange students are confronted with challenges in everyday life that they will have never before experienced. Everything is new, as the student adjusts to life within a foreign place with a completely different language and culture. This facts will help to the personal development. To sum up, all young students must study in a foreign school or college for a year.


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