Ingles tema 1
Enviado por ALEXA2206 • 20 de Febrero de 2019 • Apuntes • 5.633 Palabras (23 Páginas) • 301 Visitas
GETTING INTERNATIONAL.- Session 1.- Passport to London.
1.- What to say: Getting to places.
1.1.- Asking for directions.
When you are lost, do you know how to ask for directions?
First, relax and breathe deeply. Think that the most important thing is to get your ideas across. Below you will find some useful phrases that you may need to know to find your way.
Asking for directions. Useful vocabulary | |
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get a taxi, please? | Perdone, ¿podría decirme por favor cómo puedo conseguir un taxi? |
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the British Museum, please? | Perdone, ¿podría decirme por favor cómo llegar al Museo Británico? |
Sure! Go straight on this street/ Go ahead this street. | Claro! Siga recto por esta calle. |
Cross the street/ road. | Cruce la calle/ carretera. |
Then, turn right/ left. | Luego, gire a la derecha/ izquierda. |
Pass the roundabout/ traffic-light. | Pase la rotonda / el semáforo. |
Until you get to the corner. | Hasta que llegue a la esquina. |
You'll find the taxi stand opposite to you. | Encontrará la parada de taxis delante de usted. |
Behind you. | Detrás de usted. |
Next to the Café. | Al lado de la cafetería. |
Between the Café and the tube station. | Entre la cafetería y la estación de metro. |
Thank you very much! | ¡Muchas gracias! |
You're welcome! / No worries! | ¡De nada! |
2.- How to say it: The present: Simple and Continuous.
Think about it
Read these two sentences carefully, what is the main difference between them?
- My boss always speaks English to his partner in London.
- My boss is speaking English with his partner.
Great! As you may have thought, in the first sentence the verb "speaks" refers to a habitual action, something my boss usually does, that is why it is in the present simple. However, in the second sentence, the action takes place at the moment of speaking and therefore we need to use the present continuous.
Genial, tal y como te habrás dado cuenta, en la primera frase el verbo se refiere a una acción habitual, algo que mi jefe suele hacer cada día por ello va en presente simple. Por el contrario, la segunda frase habla de una acción que está teniendo lugar en el momento de hablar por ello va en presente continuo.
As you already know the Present continuous is used to express:
- Actions that take place at the moment of speaking E.g.
- I'm checking my emails at the moment.
- Mr. Parker is having lunch right now.
- Sometimes we use the present continuous to talk about the future. We use it when we want to talk about what we have already arranged to do.
- I'm meeting my colleagues tomorrow at 7.30 a.m.
- My boss is travelling to China on Friday morning.
Usamos el presente continuo para expresar:
- Acciones que tienen lugar en el momento de hablar.
- Acciones futuras ya planeadas de antemano o anotadas en una agenda
How to make the Present Continuous:
Affirmative Form:
Subject+ Verb To Be + main Verb + ING Paul is talking on the phone.
Negative Form:
Subject+ Verb To Be + NOT + main Verb + ING Joseph isn't reading the newspaper.
Interrogative Form:
Verb To Be + Subject + main Verb + ING + Complements + ? Is he working at the moment?
Common Present Continuous Time Expressions:
At the moment, now, today, this week, this month, tomorrow, next week (for future arrangements), currently.
2.2.- Stative verbs.
According to grammarians, there are two types of verbs: Stative and Dynamic. That is, those verbs that cannot be used in the present continuous and those that can be used in any verbal tense.
Here you have a list of the verbs that cannot be used in the present continuous.
Own.→Appear.→Look. (=seem)→Sound.→Taste.→Smell.
Satisfy.→Promise.→Surprise.→Doubt.→Think (=have an opinion).
Feel (=have an opinion).→Wish.→Imagine.→Concern.→Dislike.
Measure. (=have length etc)→Possess.→Owe.→Weigh. (=have weight).
2.4.- Pronunciation. The third Person Singular: Voiceless sounds.
Look and learn.
The -(e)s of the simple present tense is pronounced as /s/ after a voiceless sound, except /s/, /sh/, and /ch/. The voiceless sounds are sounds that are produced with no vibration of the vocal chords. The voiceless sounds in English are:
/f/, /k/, /p/, /s/, voiceless th (as in with), ch (as in watch), sh (as in wash)
Examples: laughs, talks, stops.
Mira y aprende II:
La terminación -(e)s del presente simple se pronuncia como /s/ tras los sonidos sordos, excepto: /s/, /sh/, and /ch/. Los sonidos sordos se producen sin vibración de las cuerdas vocales. Los sonidos sordos en Inglés son:
/f/, /k/, /p/, /s/, /th/ (como en "with"), ch (como en "watch"), sh (como en "wash").
-(e)s pronounced as [S].
Read these words aloud. Make an effort to pronounce the final –(e)s sound:
Attacks →Attempts→Attracts→Beeps.
Blinks→Boasts→Breaks →Circulates.