Enviado por Eddie Escobar Gaviria • 25 de Septiembre de 2015 • Apuntes • 952 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 162 Visitas
Direction: listen and complete the missing information in each space.
[pic 1]
bac k ourof
desert; fail to keep a promise
bear up under
call fer
come to get; reqaire
catch up 1lirb
cover the distanee berween ceeself and
come alon2: tritb
acccmpanv; make progress
come out wírh
urter; produce
cut in on
do withour
deprive eneself oí
fact up ro
fall OUI with qual'l'el \\ith
¡et nround
evade: aveid
cer dewn ro
beeeme •enous about: coasid
lft º"
enter (a vehicle): mc>JDt
lO bnck on
dmrt; fui! to k«P (a ¡iromast)
!O OD with
io wíthour abstain Ü'om
hear of
learu about (sometím .. accidentally)
bold out a:aiast
keep up wirh maintain the pace of
lh·e up to
maintain the standard demanded oí
look don-o on
feel superior to
make up for compensate for
pla)' up to
flatter for personal ad\'lllltlge
run a:ainst
competeagain'it in an election
set about consider~arrange
'itand for represent;pemñt
stick to
1alk back 10
IOUC'b 011
mtnrion bneily
"'ªir up for
not go to bed whíl< waitmg íor
bear down oa lean on; browbeat
bttakin OD
eare for
like; guard; supenise; maintain
check opon.
examine; rnify
come b~·
find accidentally
comeup mrh
utter; produce
cause illness or discomfon to
drop in :11cfon
visir ca"1ally w11hou1 pleuníng
C.11 bthind in
la-; no1¡iroi:ress11 required pace
flll in for
"1bstitu1t íor
l'ff 31\'"11\'WÍlb
do \\1thOUI bting caughl oc pumshed
tft in
enter (a \'thicle)
fft OD 1'ilh
procted with
.-o tor
likt a )lfeat dnl
hau ...ound
remam icDy m the vicinitv of
discover acci