- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Sherlock Holmes

Enviado por   •  6 de Octubre de 2013  •  348 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  253 Visitas

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The story begins with Watson arriving at B Baker street. He is met by Billy, a young page who is taking care of Holmes things while he is there. This boy doesn’t do a lot in the story but he does pass information to Watson. The main is that Holmes has been focusing on something for days and has not eaten.

The reason for this is that Lord Cantlemere has asked him to do a job. He is not impressed by Holmes deductive powers and yet Holmes has been asked to look at for one of the crown jewels. Holmes is always very dedicated but even more when he is challenged in this way, and the idea of not eating is because he believes it allows him to focus his mind better.

In the last days Holmes has been spying on the man in a variety of disguises. In order to hid this he has a wax dummy which appears to be him. This is designed to look as if he is home so they will not realize who is following them. This also exists because he is expecting the men to attempt to kill him. Upon hearing this Watson insists that he should remain and protect Holmes but Holmes has a plan so instead sends Watson to Scotland Yard assuming that by the time he returns he will have time to convince the man to give him the gem.

Moments after Watson leaves the villain arrives. He is prepared to kill Holmes but first he asks why Holmes agents have been following him. Of course the truth is that these were all Holmes. Holmes then insists that he give him the location of the diamond or he will reveal his crimes and then to give him, and his associate time to discuss it he goes into the other room.

What he really does though is moves through his room and around to replace the wax dummy with himself and listening as they discuss how they plan to lie to him, but the diamond is actually with him. Holmes then reveals himself.


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