- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  6 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  1.001 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  234 Visitas

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Benemérita Escuela Normal de Coahuila

Fátima de la Cruz Armenta



Libro 1

  1. Ivonne brings a long hair.

She brought her cell phone to school.

2. I buy water eventually.  

    Yesterday I bought a stamen.

3. I catch the baseball

    I caught a cold last Winter.

4.  Stop fight with your sister, Marcus

      They fought over a girl

5. Now teach me to ride by bicycle

    Yesterday I was taught to skate

6. I think you're a good person

    I thought that car was yours

Libro 2

  1.  He brakes that window with a ball.  

Rodolfo broke its banks  

  1. She chose those shoes, but the others were better 

Laura chose your new car

  1. She speaks Spanish

Yesterday spoke with her sister

Today I spoke with my friends

  1. She steals pens

He stole my car yesterday

  1.  It is necessary to WAKE UP tomorrow a morning 

He WOKE in september of the coma 


Libro 3

  1. I drive my car to work                       She drove his car yesterday              He has driven his bicycle to school
  2. I like to ride on trains.                                                      When my brother was a teenager, he rode a Harley Davidson.                                              My sister has ridden horses since the age of seven.
  3. As The Shadows Rise                                                  There is no rose without a thorn.                                                     risen
  4. .  I write a poem.                                                     William Shakespeare wrote plays and sonnets

My sister hasn't written a letter to granny in ages.

  1. He beat you in the career! 
    My heart have beaten very fast!  
  2. bite                                                                            bit                                                                         bitten
  3. hide                                                                            hid                                                                     hidden

Libro 4

2.- Im going to cut my hair 

Im going to cut my hair in the barber shop 

Im going to cuy my hair the other month again 


3.- The baseball player hit the ball 

The baseball players train hit the ball 

The ball can be hit very stronge for me 

4.- Hurt the hand may can very pain 

If you hurt your hand will be very sad 

When you hurt, you need a doctor 


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