El cine y la musica en el siglo XXI en ingles
Enviado por clara_262 • 28 de Febrero de 2016 • Síntesis • 4.102 Palabras (17 Páginas) • 336 Visitas
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Acto 1 La ratonera guion parte primera
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Escena 1
Voz radiofónica: … According to Scotland Yard, the murder took place on 24th at Culver Street in Paddington ( se encienden las luces del salón) the victim was called Maureen Lyon. The police is interested in interrogate a man seen in the area around, wearing a light scarf, and a dark coat (Mollie entra en el salón, deja su bolso y sus guantes en el sofá)
Mollie: -Mrs Barlow! (Se quita el abrigo y lo cuelga en el perchero) Wow it´s extremely cold! (Mira su reloj de pulsera) and it´s so late! (Mollie sale por una puerta y Giles entra por otra)
Giles: -Mollie?! Mollie?! Where are you? (Mollie entra en el salón)
Mollie: (Feliz) I´m working alone.
Giles: How are you, honey! (Dándole un beso) You´re freeze.
Mollie: -I´ve just arrived (llaman a la puerta) They should be the guests, giles open the door please. (Giles abre la puerta)
Escena 2
Giles: -Welcome.
Sra Boyle: -Monkswell’s Mansion?
Giles: -Of course
Sra Boyle: -I’m Mrs Boyle
Giles: -I’m Giles Ralson, you can come in, mrs Boyle and sit down on the sofá. Is this all your baggage?
Sra Boyle: -Another man carries the rest
Giles: -I’ll let him the door open.
Sra Boyle: -We´ve shared the taxi. (Acusadoramente) Supposedly you didn´t send any one to pick-up us.
Giles: -I´m so sorry. We didn´t know in which train you will arrive, otherwise, we´d sent someone.
Sra Boyle: You should be more cautious.
Giles: I´m sorry, madame, that won´t occure no longer.
Sra Boyle: Here you are (le da el abrigo y gilles lo cuelga en el perchero) Now I´m going to help the major.
(Mollie entra en el salón)
Mollie: -Please, excuse me, I was…
Sra boyle: Mrs Ralson?
Mollie: Yes, I am… (Se acerca a la señora boyle, tiende la mano y seguidamente la retira)
Sra Boyle: You look too young.
Mollie: Young, me?
Sra Boyle: Too Young for that establishment. You must have lack of experience.
Mollie: There must be a first time for everything.
Sra Boyle: I see… too inexperienced(Mira por toda la habitación)
Escena 3
Giles: This way, commandant( Giles y el comandante entran al salón)
Com Metcalf: Charmed. What bad wather (Ve a la señora Boyle) Ooh! Please excuse me, madam.
(Se quita el sombrero educadamente)
Giles: Follow me to your room, commandant.
Com Metcalf: I’m going (Giles y el comandante se marchan)
Sra Boyle: I’m going to my room to rest. Would you care show me my room, Sra Ralson.
Mollie: Of course, madam. (Mollie y la señora Ralson se van)(Seguidamente llega Giles y suena el timbre)
Giles: Wow, another one!
Escena 4
Giles: Come in please
Srta.Casewell: Ay! Thanks to god they have fire. I have to get this cold away from the bones.
Giles: This is all your baggage?
Srta.Casewell: I usually travel without lots of things.
Giles: My wife will attend you inmediately, mrs. Casewell
Srta.Casewell: I don’t mind (Se quita el abrigo) I think that we’ll be trapped.
Giles: It doesn’t matter my wife is very rovident. However, if the situation becomes complicated we could eat the chicken.
Srta Casewell: Of course, it’ll be better than eating each other (Suelta una risotada y le lanza el abrigo a Giles que lo coge al vuelo)
(Comandante Metcalf entra en escena)
Com Metcalf: Is there anything new in the newspaper?
Srta. Casewell: The same old thing and a beathtaking murder.
Com. Metcalf: Interesting…(la señorita le da el periódico, lo observa minuciosamente)
Srta Casewell: He´s a crazy murderer. He strangled a women from Paddington. He ought be a sexual maniac.
Com Metcalf: Well, the truth, it’s not very important(Se sienta en el sillón y lee en voz alta) “The police is very interested to question to a suspect seen next to the Culver street’s surroundings in the moment of the murder”. Medium height, dark coat, hat and a white scarf.
Srta Casewell: What a bad description, It could be anyone.
Giles: Who’s the victim?
Com Metcalf: Lady Maureen Lyon
(Entra Mollie)
Giles: Mollie, she’s mrs casewell
Srta Casewell: Nice to meet you( Le da un enérgetico
apretón de manos)
Mollie: The weather is very bad. Do you want to go to your room?
(Mollie y la srta casewell salen por la puerta, Giles las sigue con la maleta de la srta Casewell)
(Com Metcalf se levanta y sale de la habitación)
(Momentos despué s mollie y giles vuelven y se colocan en el centro del salón)
Mollie: The commander looks nice. Is lady Boyle who worries me. Tomorrow they’ll have to be satisfied with the lunch.
Giles: Well... I suppose that all will go OK
(Suena el timbre)
Mollie: Who will be?
Escena 5
Giles: (Abre la puerta): Who are you?
Paravicini: (acento italiani) Sorry, can you tell me where I am?
Giles: In guest house Monkswell (Entra al salón)
Paravicini: I’m so lucky, milady (le besa las manos a Mollie) A house and some charmer hots, can I sleep here tonight?
Giles: No problem
Molly: Inmediately I’m going to prepare you a room. It’s smaller than the rest, the others are occupied
Paravicini: (Ríe desconsoladamente) So there are more guests. Guest house Monkswell’s great, great.