- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo Sobre Película: El Silencio De Los Inocentes

Enviado por   •  4 de Marzo de 2015  •  1.021 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  415 Visitas

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Setting: The story is set in Prince Prospero's luxurious "castellated abbey" (which is just a fancy way of saying it's an abbey built up with the fortifications of a castle), hidden somewhere in his kingdom. To call it "cut off" is an understatement. Not only is it "deeply secluded" (hidden in a hard-to-reach spot) . The action takes place in " [the] deep seclusion of one of [Prince Prospero's] castellated abbeys." The "masque" takes place in the imperial suite which consisted of seven, very distinct rooms.

the story's main action takes place in an elaborate suite of seven colored rooms within the abbey, where Prospero holds the masquerade ball. The suite, which Prospero designed, consists of seven rooms that run in a line from east to west.

Caracters: Prince Pospero, The red death.

Exposition: The exposition of "The Masque of the Red Death," of course, introduces the setting, the characters, and the basic situation as well as providing some background information: a plague, called "the red death" has "long devastated the country." It is hideous, fatal, and causes those around it much horror and fear of contracting it. However, the wealthy Prince Prospero, with his allegorical name, fears it not. For, he feels that his prosperity will provide a fortress against this death of pain and red stains. Summoning together a thousnad "light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court," they sequester themselves in the seculsion of one of his castellated abbeys, which were often used as fortresses.

Together with ample provisions, they decide to fortify themselves against this plague; they resolve to not despair or become hysterical so that they will neither open nor close any entry through which the red death can enter the abbey. Poe writes,

All these and security were within. Without was the "Red Death."

The rising action in the story: is that the party is getting under way and everyone is forgetting about the world outside the castle that is suffering from the Red Death. The only reminder is when the ebony clock chimes ominously every hour.

The falling action: is when the party goers realize that the uninvited guest who appears at midnight is in fact the Red Death himself and they all begin to die. Falling Action: The knights must react to Prospero's death in the climax of of the story and they pull the sheet off the mummy only to find nothing there. They all fall dead.

The resolution: of the story is that no one can escape death no matter how fiercely they try to ignore it. The party goers tried to shut death out, but death will always find a way in when the time is right. Resolution: With all the knights and Prince Prospero dead, the conflict is resolved as the Red Death takes complete control of the kingdom. The read death held dominion over all.

The ebony clock: The clock symbolizes the passage of time, the onset of death, and the life of the


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