- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Los Miserables

Enviado por   •  3 de Marzo de 2013  •  756 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  417 Visitas

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Overture work song

Valjean arrested valjean forgiven

What have I done?

At the end of the day

I dreamed a dream

Lovely ladies

Who am i

Come to me


Castle on a cloud

Master of the house

The thenardier waltz of treachery

Look dowm


Red and black

Do you hear the people sing

In my life

A heart full of love

Plumet attack

On day more

Building the barricade

On my own

At the barricade

Javert at thebarricade

A little fall of rain

Drink with me

Bring him home

Dog eats dog

Javerts suicide


Empty chairs and empty tables

Beggars at the feast


Overture work song

Valjean arrested valjean forgiven

What have I done?

At the end of the day

I dreamed a dream

Lovely ladies

Who am i

Come to me


Castle on a cloud

Master of the house

The thenardier waltz of treachery

Look dowm


Red and black

Do you hear the people sing

In my life

A heart full of love

Plumet attack

On day more

Building the barricade

On my own

At the barricade

Javert at thebarricade

A little fall of rain

Drink with me

Bring him home

Dog eats dog

Javerts suicide


Empty chairs and empty tables

Beggars at the feast


Overture work song

Valjean arrested valjean forgiven

What have I done?

At the end of the day

I dreamed a dream

Lovely ladies

Who am i

Come to me


Castle on a cloud

Master of the house

The thenardier waltz of treachery

Look dowm


Red and black

Do you hear the people sing

In my life

A heart full of love

Plumet attack

On day more

Building the barricade

On my own

At the barricade

Javert at thebarricade

A little fall of rain

Drink with me

Bring him home

Dog eats dog

Javerts suicide


Empty chairs and empty tables

Beggars at the feast


Overture work song

Valjean arrested valjean forgiven

What have I done?

At the end of the day

I dreamed a dream

Lovely ladies

Who am i

Come to me


Castle on a cloud

Master of the house

The thenardier waltz of treachery

Look dowm


Red and black

Do you hear the people sing

In my life

A heart full of love

Plumet attack

On day more

Building the barricade

On my own

At the barricade

Javert at thebarricade

A little fall of rain

Drink with me

Bring him home

Dog eats dog

Javerts suicide


Empty chairs and empty tables

Beggars at the feast


Overture work song

Valjean arrested valjean forgiven

What have I done?

At the end of the day

I dreamed a dream

Lovely ladies

Who am i

Come to me


Castle on a cloud

Master of the house

The thenardier waltz of treachery

Look dowm


Red and black

Do you hear the people sing


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