Mi trabajo.
Enviado por Bernd • 10 de Febrero de 2016 • Síntesis • 994 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 97 Visitas
El comercio es una de las más antiguas y más importantes inventos de la humanidad con la aparición de la agricultura en el Neolítico. Algunos lo ven como el origen de la civilización. Pero como los avances tecnológicos fueron utilizados por los agricultores como los animales de poder o el uso de diferentes fertilizantes, el aumento de los cultivos derivados. Por lo tanto, el comercio ha sido causada por dos factores: la cosecha superó el nivel mínimo de subsistencia y ya no era necesario que el conjunto de la sociedad se dedica a la agricultura, lo que permite una porción de la población a especializarse en otras áreas, tales como el hierro y la cerámica de trabajo. De esta manera, se empezaron en concebir ideas como que las dos partes de una transacción comercial pueden salir beneficiadas, ya que los bienes intercambiados son más valiosos para los nuevos propietarios, o que el oro es simplemente un mineral amarillo y que es valioso porque hay poco. Finalmente, la aparición del automóvil y la construcción sistemática de carreteras, provocó que las mercancías se pudieran transportar justo al punto exacto de su consumo, es lo que se conoce como distribución capilar de mercancías.
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The suicidal one Never you have felt a special fear when you have journeyed by a desert sidewalk in an equal street of solid? Still more, never you have felt as captured by the anguish when you have walked by an uninhabited place, an empty highway, perhaps to high times of the night? - the old Martin said, and when saying these phrases, its face was put paler, his wrinkled skin showed an unusual expresividad. - Yes, I have felt it, but what? What has with that? - You have not noticed that you walk and somebody or something follows to you… - A person? You talk about a person? That is called persecution delirium, product of an upset mind something… - You know exactly what I say, precise not a person, rather…” a something”, an existence, as if a chill will clear the skin to you, several times I have lived it, sometimes I fear that it happens, I man that I have crossed much in this life, in some occasions returning of the small farm I have heard a cascabeleo, an agitation… - A serpent or a tiny beast of those surely Martin… - Roman to the old Martin interrupted, this one watched to him with imprecación. - It is not a bell, you think that I do not know animals? There is something makes the air winding, often in some parts of a determined way, I did not comment the terrible influence - the smoke of its cigarette hurled - that feels when happening through the way that leads towards that huaca, where that Gilberti was lost. - Yes in that I give to the reason, that too old place this or damn one you if we want to use one more a more suitable word, some say that there are days in which the way is visible and others in which no, seasons in which nobody can find it… - The nature… - The nature? - Yes, Roman, the mother nature is wise, hides the way so that others are not lost, it rejects and it hides to its ill and lost, putrid children… - The nature or God? - Llámalo as you wish my friend, but pon more firewood to the fire in the dark, intensifies those flames desire not to have left I… in a place as this one - it commented worried the old Martin. Roman stopped itself, not without demonstrating fatigue, the day of that day had exhausted it. When putting a pair of small trunks in the peasant cocinilla, the light illuminated the stay vividly, the shades of those men were reflected as a traveling theater in the wall of you marinate of the small room. - The fear… - the old Martin retook the conversation. - The fear? I do not understand - Roman said. - The fear, the fear was the one that did that it will be killed. - To whom? - it asked, without following without understanding Roman Rivas. - To Ignacio Mejía, I am safe, as well as I feel those chills, that species of contact of this world with the other immaterial universe, many mortals can undergo “a much more material” experience, that happens of the slight sensations to other planes of experiences. - Bah! He was a vague one, an individual very affection to the alcohol and to think things - it said in disdainful tone Roman, and with that gesture it dealt to clear force to him to the word of the old one. - Era a good person at heart, I knew it, you know? It never demonstrated to a necessarily hostile side or a díscola personality to me. But it spoke me of its fear to the solitude. - A fear that almost all the people have. - Surely, but it is in the solitude when more people feel those vibrations, those connections with that dimension. - You seem very safe of all that, so that? - You remember the old Telma, No? - Yes. But? - Its death Predicted. - Yes it memory, was average cartomancista or fortune teller, read the tarot. - Its death Prophesied, exactly guessed the day that was going to pass away, they say that somebody across communicated it… - In truth you create that Martin? - How to guess the exact date in which you are going away to die almost three years before it happens? - People usually sugestionar themselves, we go, Lambayeque this flood of those histories, appeared, pacts with the devil, people who return beyond of gathering her steps, histories that tell to the children so that they do not remain until very late in the street or wide-awake. - And the Gilberti