Business proyect analisis mercado.
Enviado por Martina Garcia • 1 de Diciembre de 2016 • Trabajo • 7.343 Palabras (30 Páginas) • 322 Visitas
I’m going to develop a Marketing Plan for Microsoft Company in order to introduce successfully their revolutionary console X-Box into the Spanish Market.
I’m had selected Microsoft company, because it is very interesting to see how this important Software Global Company, is going to enter in a different market such as videogames industry, which involves different characteristics and it is totally new for them. Besides of this, it is very relevant to see why Microsoft is going to enter in this competitive market with important companies like Sony. This moment is a special time in the videogame industry, because there are companies that are spending a lot of money in research and development new products and they are expecting to obtain a great amount of profits.
This theme is very friendly for me, because this industry stared at the same time I was a child.
In order to analyse the Videogame features, I’m going to develop a Marketing plan for Microsoft company and their revolutionary console Xbox, because a Marketing plan is an essential tool into the new product launch strategy.
Our objective is seeing how Microsoft is going to enter into the Spanish Market and all the elements required for answering their Marketing Objectives.
According with this, I’ll develop different points that are involved in marketing Plan: Situation Analysis, Objectives and pertinent actions to take account in order to introduce this product into the videogames Market.
1. Company and product definition | 1ª week of May |
2. Market Analysis | 2ª week of May |
3. Environment & Competitor analysis | 3ª week of May |
4. Internal Analysis | 4° week of May |
5. Conclusions & Recommendations | 5ª week of May |
This strategic Marketing Plan, have as the main objective, to analyse priorities and tendencies that affect Microsoft Company.
- Company and Product definition.
- History, culture, experience, marketing objectives.
- Market Analysis.
- History, tendencies, evolution, conduct
- Environment Analysis.
- Five Forces Model.
- Macro environment & Microenvironment .
- Competitor Analysis.
- Internal Analysis.
- Resources and Capabilities.
- Swot Analysis.
- Conclusions & Recommendations.
- Bibliography
- Vocabulary
- Apendix
- Global view:
Microsoft was founded as a partnership on April 4,1975, by H. Gates III and Paul G. Allen. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft has subsidiary offices in more than 60 foreign countries and employs nearly 44.000 people worldwide. The Company is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies. It is specialised in computing products. They are building their brand image on Windows operating system and the Office tools. As the worldwide leader in software for personal and business computing, Microsoft produces innovative products and services that try to satisfy customer’s needs.
Everybody knows about Microsoft Windows, but the company offers an extensive wide range of products and services.
- Culture and values:
Success of Microsoft Company is based on development in their technology and maintains their principles and values since it was created:
- Customers: They are improving products in order to respond quickly to customers needs and they establish relationship based on trust, respect and self confidence.
- Innovation: Microsoft is trying to anticipate customer’s needs, investing a lot of money in Research and Development in order to achieve the bests products and the most advanced technology. This investment is essential in this very changing industry in order to respond and anticipate actions of competitors.
- Integrity: Their employees and managers act with integrity, and they try to follow ethical rules with their customers.
- People: They want to create career opportunities for employees and establish a friendly relationship with them.
- Company Culture: They have, as the main goal, that employees enjoy contributing to the growth and technology innovation making easier and functional products.
- Diversity: Diversity, equal promotions and opportunities will improve industry and workplace.
- Community: They are commitment to have a high responsibility to the community life, and they want to contribute with equity and respect.
These values and principles are based in a long-term conception of company in order to reinforce relationship with customers, competitors and employees.
- Organizational Structure:
The Business leadership Team, created in 1999, is constituted by senior managers from across Microsoft divisions. Corporate Strategy is used in order to establish a cross company communication between team members of company.
Microsoft uses a divisional structure, where employees and activities are grouped according to products, outputs or geographical areas:
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Each division is provided with its own resources (Personnel department, Marketing department, etc), and they have their own autonomy, but all of them have to report to the Headquarter. Each division is based on results. This making way is more efficient in production process. The coordination takes place in each division. This structure is usually adopted for larger organisations, where environment changes quickly, but the General Coordination is more difficult than other types of structure.