Enviado por Elihu791 • 30 de Septiembre de 2013 • 1.020 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 713 Visitas
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1. Revolucionar el Mercado es un concepto de innovación que hizo la empresa en la cual cambio todo el concepto para personalizar la tv. The company's goal was extremely ambitious: to revolutionize how Americans watch television and become a central player in the emerging interactive TV industry. Competitors such as ReplayTV had similar products and designs, so TiVo's success was far from guaranteed. Keast recognized that the TiVo launch would need to be managed carefully, the product positioning at launch would play a key role in determining who would win the race to personalize television viewing.
2. Fueron al Mercado directamente hacienda lo que se llama face to face eso también le ayudo a la empresa a que no había intermediario por lo cual se mantiene un buen margen de ganancia para la empresaThe Vision 98% of the United States' 100 million households own at least one TV. On average, each household has 2.4 TVs and spends 7.2 hours a day viewing television. In 1999, 78.1 million households spent $34.4 billion to receive cable TV service, while another 14.5 million households received satellite TV, giving consumers access to a growing number of channels; the typical cable customer can receive more than 53 channels.
3.- Innovación tecnología al momento de incluir todos estos beneficios en Tivo se iban a diferenciar de la competencia por la tecnología que están utilizando.
The computer-like design of TiVo offers customers numerous functional benefits, including:
•The ability to skip commercials
•The ability to pause, slow motion (including frame by frame), and instantly replay live TV
•A fast-forward option that lets users choose which program to watch or skip
•Simultaneous playback and record
•Direct (nonlinear) access to all pre-recorded programs
•Advanced search that lets viewers find and record programs based on a favorite actor, director, genre, or show
•A program menu that includes program ratings, suggestions, tips, and more
•A season pass that automatically records a program every time it airs for an entire season, regardless of time slot
•Thumbs-up and thumbs-down controls that-allow the viewer to rate programs
•An intelligent agent (similar to that used by Amazon.com) that recommends programs the viewer is likely to enjoy
•The ability to transfer favorite-programming to a VCR using TiVo's remote control
•Parental controls to lock channels or set ratings limits on programs Market Research
4.- Antes de lanzar el producto al Mercado se hace un estudio de cuánto van a consumir aproximadamente para ver si es factible el producto que van a lanzar a la venta
New Enthusiasts Faithfuls Surfers Hopefuls
Market size (% of TV- involved households) 17% 20% 13% 50%
Average annual income $55,000 $48,000 $30,000 $30,000
Description Tech savvy, early adopters; affluent, active, time-starved professionals; educated; male predisposition, but decision is a "family purchase" Middle America, above-average income; TV is the center of the household; families Tech