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Enviado por   •  12 de Marzo de 2013  •  1.285 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  258 Visitas

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Globalization on Least Development Countries

Globalization is the result of the human innovation, and the technological process. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through the trade and financial flows. In some cases this term refers to the displacement of people meaning “hand labor” and knowledge transfer “technology” across international borders. Also Globalization is one of the most influential in the development of a country today, because if a country wants their products to enter and compete in the international market must interact or associated with other countries to make easier the process of commercializing their products. In this case one of the must important organization of Globalization is The World Trade Organization (WTO) that is involve in all the world imports and exports (international trade) profits and agreements. Some of the effect of Globalization is that according to WTO “The Globalization has increase over the past few years approximately around 40% of total world production is exported. These exports are worth $ 13 billion”. The larger part that has been affected is the Agriculture on Least Development countries. Agriculture is the key fact on Least Development Countries when it comes to globalization: Agricultures price, their challenges and their opportunities is what make the so-called globalization in Least Development Countries.

The rising of food price have affected a lot on globalization. According to the World Bank Reports “the prices have rise about 83% over the last three years”, in Least Development countries people cannot afford to buy food since their salary covered only the basic payments not including food, it is incredible that countries that have the basic product meaning the space to grow rice, soy, maize cannot effort to buy it. Farmers have suffered a crisis. According to The World Bank has also “estimated that an additional 100 million more people have been driven into hunger because of the rising food prices”. For example the UN Statistics show that on “March 2008, the average of wheat prices were about 130% above their level a year earlier, soy prices were 87% higher, rice 74%and maize 31% up”.

Hunger riots are increasing on Least Development Countries and are seem to be affected because of the rising price. According to Josette Sheeran executive director of World Hunger Program, “There is food on the shelves but people are priced out of the market”. The Un Global statistics show that “over the last 20 years, food production has risen steadily at over 2.0% a year, while the rate of population growth has dropped to 1.11%”. The question here is where the food is going? Since the population is decreasing and the production increasing the logical is that the country should have enough food to feed the population and also have a reasonable, affordable price so all the social classes can afford it. According to the Global Food Crisis article “In Countries like Haiti, Egypt, Panama The UN global statistics reveal an 80% increase in the price of dairy products and a 42% on cereals”. This price rising is one the mayor reason of malnutrition in the Least Development countries.

In Agriculture, the farmers face challenges on their food production. When farmers plant their crops, they are expecting not only to be successful on the plantation, but also they want to try their products. What this mean is that at the time of globalization on importation and exportation of agriculture people are willing and expecting to eat something that is good. After farmers grow the plantation they have to give all the healthy and good products and only they are only allow to stay with all the products that have damages, its is not fair since they do all the hard work, they have to eat something that is not healthy. This is an actual conflict that farmers in El Salvador are facing. People don’t think of what are the challenges that farmers go trough only because


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