- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Herman Miller

Enviado por   •  12 de Noviembre de 2014  •  798 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  264 Visitas

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Objective and Scope

Herman Miller’s introduced the notion of environmental sustainability and its implication, specifically, and how the Craddle to Craddle (C2C) protocol works to achieve this goal. It showed in detail the steps and resources it took to implement the C2C protocol at Herman Miller. It discussed what was crucial to making C2C work and how these elements specific to Herman Miller. By scrutinizing their processes through the environmental lens, Herman Miller was able to make process and product improvements. It was also used C2C protocol to effect change in its organization.


We suggest:

o Use Thermoplastic Urethane (TPU) in the Mirra Chair arm

o TPU mirrors nature’s regenerative cycles

o Innovative and environmentally friendly corporate strategy

o Will cater to their more savvy consumers


As of now, the TPU option is too costly and needs to be researched more in terms high volume production tooling which would need to be replaced at a cost of $100,000 in addition to the 30% increase in costs from going to the PVC material to the TPU material. Herman Miller must also work with its suppliers to make the switch possible and least costly for all parties. The 10 month timeframe between the DfE steering committee meeting and the Mirra chair product launch would not give them time to accomplish this. Weighing the significance of Herman Millers role in the furniture industry we see that Herman Miller is one of the top four suppliers in the furniture industry. Additionally we see that they have are cord of setting the pace for the rest of the industry in terms of environmental leadership where competitors also followed in their footsteps. Part of the DfE team responsibility was to balance environmental goals with business decisions. TPU usage though being a better decision for their environmental goals was not good for their business at the time. Perhaps Herman Miller can make the arms of the chair a removable component that can be taken off sent back to Herman Miller for proper disposal and replaced by the customer with TPU arms that Herman Miller provides once it becomes economically feasible to do so. An option like this would allow Herman Miller to find a middle ground for the Mirra Launch and maintain both its business leverage and environmental leadership; in addition it would fit well with their cradle to cradle goals.

Herman Miller decided to adopt the C2C design protocol because it’s an approach that mirrors nature’s regenerative cycles so that at the end of its useful life, a product and its component materials are used to make equally valuable products. C2C demanded companies to redesign industrial processes so that they don’t generate pollution and waste in the first place, this was consistent with Herman Miller emphasis of beauty in products and making the world a better place. The company believed that the industry and


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