- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  19 de Octubre de 2013  •  3.551 Palabras (15 Páginas)  •  255 Visitas

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1.1 Main characteristics

1.2 Why has this firm been chosen?


2.1 The different jobs at your firm

2.2 Coordination mechanism

2.3 Parts of the organization


3.1 Job specialization

3.2 Design of the decision-making system.

3.3 Centralization-decentralization




The company selected is the Hotel Las Cortes de Cádiz, is a company that has very different characteristics and are mainly.

- Its location in the city of Cadiz, as it is located on the street San Francisco around shops, plazas and important monuments in the city.

- It has a great positioning, linking the product with quality, for which the hotel has a great competitive advantage, as is the style of the period in which it is acclimated (1812), date very characteristic for the city of Cadiz, since part of Spanish history is inspired by the importance of the act that year lived in this city, this makes the hotel is positioned as a differentiated hotel and therefore very attractive to the customer.

- It is a small sized company, as only has 27 workers, and 30 very well appointed and tailored to customer needs.

- It also has a restaurant attached to it that allows the use of either customers or not.

- It has a great value for money, because the price is 60 € per room, and has a pricing policy which is seen particularly important to reward loyal customers with price cuts and exclusive offers.

- The Hotel has a large number of intermediaries such as booking, El Corte ingles, Otusa, plus the most popular social networks nowadays, thus trying to get noticed by other channels.

For all these key features, our choice was this a highly differentiated hotel, attractive and ideal, with the presence of the important social factors of tourist arrival by the influx of cruise ships in town, as Cádiz is a city where the sun and beach tourism are very marked, and technology such as wifi connection throughout the hotel.



The company chosen "Las Cortes de Cadiz" in addition to their primary job, hosting service, also has a restaurant which offers services to all its customers and the general public, in turn offers its customers the sale of some products of the city such as fans, bracelets, and all kinds of souvenirs. The Las Cortes de Cádiz also has a gym with modern machines and a relaxing spa, both are attractive to their customers.

As already mentioned in the introduction, the hotel is located in a central area of the city center of Cadiz, and has a terrace which offers massage services, and cocktails pub during summer.

Having described the various services offered by the company to its customers, we develop each, mentioning each job that the company needs for each service offered.

First, for the hosting service, the company has:

-Cleaners: because although all hotels cleaning are required, for this particular is something very important that is distinguished by having a perfectly clean.

-Receptionist: are responsible for facilitating the arrival and stay in the hotel, dressed in a suit of the 1812 era, so their clients revive life on that date.

-Administrative: responsible for all kinds of orders, reservations and direct the company accounts.

For restaurant service, the company has:

-Waiters/ Cookers: offering food service and coffee, both hotel customers themselves as street people.

For fitness service, the company has:

-Maintenance technicians: are responsible for all the machines and facilities are in the proper functioning, besides the gym also handles all keep all kinds of hotel facilities such as Wi-Fi, air conditioning, elevators…

-Masseuse: professionals that make your customers enjoy and relax.

- Personal trainer: responsible for controlling the proper training for each client.

Besides the jobs described, mention the three most important in every business, these are:

-The manager: is responsible for selecting workers function of their skills, make sure that the company is running smoothly coordinated and manage purchases.

-Responsible for employees: acts as liaison between manager-employees, directing the work of employees with a more casual communication.

-The owner: supervise the work in general and make known your business outside.

All jobs described are developed by the company, building many features that are needed to create its own distinct brand "Las Cortes de Cádiz"


-In this part of the work, we are going to explain the coordination mechanisms in the hotel. As we explained in the introduction, our enterprise is a small organization; therefore, it has coordination mechanisms according with its structure.

The hotel “Las Cortes” works with three coordination mechanisms mostly and theses are: direct supervision, normalization and mutual adaptation. Firstly, we are going to do a brief introduction to explain in few words in that each point consists, and then we explain in depth the three types.

-Mutual adaptation: In this type of coordination, the workers coordinate their tasks with the informal communication

-Direct supervision: the owner gets coordinating workers, thanks to a supervisor who is responsible of work of the employees.

-Normalization: It’s a mechanism that uses a work programme to coordinate workers.

Now, after defining what each mechanism signifies, we are going to focusing specifically in our company, and we will explain these mechanisms in relation about the hotel:

Mutual adaptation: Hotel “Las Cortes” is a small company to consist of twenty-seven workers. As result, they use to use this type of coordination mechanisms to achieve coordination. The owner, when we have the pleasure to meet with her said us: “Our success is based in the dialogue, but obviously, it is necessary to use others types of coordination, informal dialogue is sometimes insufficient for a company work well”

Direct supervision: As the owner said, the informal dialogue is insufficient for a company work well, and for this reason, the hotel works with direct supervision too. In this case, Natalia, the manager of the hotel, take charge of supervising all


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