- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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This term refers to the selection, definition, and design of products.

product decision

Product design requires that managers [evaluate] product [options]. Addressing sustainability and life cycle assessment (LCA) are two ways of doing this. Sustainability means [meeting] the needs of the [present] without [compromising] the ability of [future] generations to meet their needs. An LCA is a formal evaluation of the environmental impact of a product.

This term is critical to achieving a competitive advantage.

Respuesta: [pic 1]

This term refers to the use of specialized computer programs to direct and control manufacturing equipment.

Respuesta: [pic 2]

These are the documents used for production:

Mark the one that does NOT belong

Seleccione una:

[pic 3]a. Assembly chart.

[pic 4]b. Work sequence. 

[pic 5]c. Assembly drawing.

[pic 6]d. Route sheet.

[pic 7]e. Engineering change notice (ECN).

our answer is correct.

Regardless of the length of the cycle, the task for the operations manager is the same: to design a system that helps introduce new products successfully. If the operations function cannot perform effectively at this stage, the firm may be saddled with losers—products that cannot be produced efficiently and perhaps not at all.

La respuesta correcta es:

Regardless of the [length] of the cycle, the task for the [operations] manager is the same: to design a system that helps introduce new [products ] successfully. If the operations [function] cannot perform [effectively] at this stage, the firm may be saddled with [losers]—products that cannot be produced efficiently and perhaps not at all.

What steps do you follow in the QFD? 

Mark the answer that does NOT apply.

Seleccione una:

[pic 8]a. Identify how the good/service will satisfy customer’s wants.

[pic 9]b. Identify customer’s wants.

[pic 10]c. Identify relationship between wants and hows.

[pic 11]d. Identify the supliers' capabilities. 

[pic 12]e. Identify relationships between hows.

Your answer is correct.

Engineering drawings may also include codes to facilitate group technology. Group technology identifies components by a coding scheme that specifies size, shape, and the type of processing (such as drilling). This facilitates standardization of materials, components, and processes as well as the identification of families of parts. As families of parts are identified, activities and machines can be grouped to minimize setups, routings, and material handling.


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