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Rationale Behind Foreign Investment In The US

Enviado por   •  20 de Mayo de 2015  •  738 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  253 Visitas

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What is the foreign rational behind investing in the United States? Many companies see the United States as a way to make more money and in Europe the banks are not the greatest take for example the Greek crises that has been on going. Greece is just trying to stay afloat. Many Europeans see the United States as a way to make money by buying up companies and property as prices are at an all-time low.

The United States has bounced back after the 2008 financial crisis that happened. By doing this the United States is seeing many foreign direct investments happening with long term bets by companies and corporate acquisition and by real estate being bought up. The United States is being seen as a place where foreign companies can make money. They are investing in land and property as well as buying many property as they can. We are seeing a flow from offshore to jobs in the United States.

Prince George County in VA once was a manufacturing town that had work go over to china. These companies wanted to drive down the labor cost. They ended up costing American millions of jobs. Now the tide is truing in this town. You are now seeing some foreign manufactures wanting to build and do business in this town. “Rolls Royce is now making engine parts here and sending them to Europe and Asia to be assembled in Jet engines” (Davidson, 2013).

In North Carolina you have Siemens a German company staring to build a power plant turbines that are shipped to Saudi and Mexico. Not only that you have in South Carolina BMW and Volkswagen setting up plants as well as Michelin. All of these companies are from foreign manufactures. They are sending their products around the world to other countries. The United States is slowly becoming a manufacturing hotbed again.

In Europe the unions make it harder for a company to run and make a profit by needing more people. One of the main reasons for the surge is we offer the ability to be closer to customer is the Southwest. We can offer super modern facilities and the best working practices for most companies. We also offer instives like the right to work and do not have union in the south or they are very low this helps with an employee can do many task like setup a machine as well as run it and other machines.

In the past we had higher wages and now that are wages have become more stable and we don’t have learnt to not waste and much material. We are gain a name for ourselves. China wages are on the rise and many companies want a place where they know the price will be at. They can count on the workers and on the countries politically stability on a daily basis.

Many foreign makers looking to have the stamp “Made in the USA” on its label. Many companies who buy from these companies would prefer to have something made in the US then another countries. We are known for a workmanship and quality of goods. We have a stable economy


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