- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Relaciones Comerciales

Enviado por   •  19 de Mayo de 2013  •  272 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  481 Visitas

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• Costumer base

• Costumer

• Selling

• Deliver

• Deliver

• Equal opportunities

• Factory

• Forecasting


• Advertiser


• Assembly line or production line

• Brand

• Bureaucracy

• Cash Flow

• Clock in and out, or on and off

• Commerce


• Global product. A Brand sold (almost) all over the world

• Growth. Getting bigger, by increasing sales or markets, or acquiring other companies, etc.

• Industrial goods. Goods used in the production or supply of other goods

• Intermediaries. All the people or organizations in the marketing channel between producers and customers

• Lifestyle. The way people choose to live, a factor to consider in the market segmentation

• Lock out. The action of an employer who close his premises until the workers accept particular conditions (generally lower pay or longer hours)

• Management buy-in. A management team from outside a company buys a majority of its shares, and then replaces the existing management

• Manufacturer brand. A brand created by a manufacturer, and sold in a great many retail outlets

• Manufacturing cycle. The sequence of production activities in which raw materials are transformed into a finished product

• Marketing programme. A company´s plans regarding the marketing mix, including product features, price, promotion expenses, resource allocation, etc.

• Network. Different parts of an activity or organization situated in different places but in some way linked to each other

• Obsolete. Out of date, no longer in fashion or in use, replaced by a more modern or efficient model (see built-in obsolescence)

• Penetration strategy. The attempt to increase market share by setting low prices and advertising heavily (see market penetration)

• Procedure. An established way or method of conducting business

• Product mix. The set of all the brands, product lines and items offered by a particular seller

• Push strategy. The use of sales reps and trade promotion to get a product through the distribution channel into stores


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