Select SDG
Enviado por Javi 11 • 28 de Noviembre de 2023 • Apuntes • 483 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 40 Visitas
Reasons for selecting this SDGs (numbers, current state etc)
We have selected Zero Hunger as our sustainable development goal because we think it is probably the most basic action a human being can do. Without food there is no point in trying to develop other areas such as education, because the brain needs the necessary nutrients to work properly. This goal is to create a world free of hunger by 2030. In 2022, between 720 million and 811 million people worldwide were suffering from hunger, roughly 161 million more than in 2021. Also in 2022, a staggering 2.4 billion people, or above 30 per cent of the world´s population, were moderately or severely food-insecure, lacking regular access to adequate food. Globally, 150 million children under 5 years of age, were suffering from stunting (low height for ther age).
The number of people going hungry and suffering from food insecurity gradually rose between 2014 and the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. The covid-19 crisis has pushed those rising rates even higher and has also exacerbated all forms of malnutrition, particularly in children. The war in Ukraine is further disrupting global food supply chains and creating the biggest global food crisis since the second world war.
SDG situation in the country selected/social client
The current situation of hunger in Spain is the following : there are more than 6 million people in the country that suffer from food poverty. A 13,3 percent of households do not have an appropiate diet in quantity and quality, because of shortage of resources. The 10,7 % of the population receives help from government and non-profit organizations to eat. The 2.6 % of the spanis population is suffering from hunger or has gone through it during the last years. And the 8,3 % can not permit a balanced diet.
- THE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION : Is it trustworthy?
Our non-profit organization Hungry Hearts, ranks 10th among the most trustworthy non-profit organizations that exists actually in Spain.
Mission, vision and values
Hungry Hearts is divided in three main pillars that form their mission, values and vision. Feeding families in risk of exclusion is their mission, and becoming a reference in helping disfavoured families is their vision. Their mission and vision are possible because of their values : solidarity and kindness are what sustain their mission and vision.
Annual Report/Accounts
In this section we mention in particular the emergencies that in 2022 took place in Afghanistan, Croatia, Ethiopia, Haiti, Gaza, Indonesia, India and Senegal. In 2022 Hungry Hearts mobilised 21 million euros to serve 1.3 million people facing hunger situations around the world. At the same time, and along with the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, support was provided for those households were covid-19 affected the most, with an estimated amount of 1.2 million euros. 8 projects have been implemented to help 5.3 million people in risk of dying from food poverty in 14 different countries including Spain.