The art of the pitch
Enviado por Diann Villanueva • 20 de Junio de 2018 • Apuntes • 435 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 142 Visitas
The art of the pitch
I consider that this book it’s very useful and interesting for us because it explains and suggest tips when we present ourselves in front of an audience and also it shows us different techniques on how to present.
The book taught us how to present, and I noticed that, in my case, there are some aspects that I do that can be considered incorrect. Now I have different ideas on how I should do my presentations, for example: I always tend to be scared in the moment that I present but now I know that I should look at the presentation as a conversation in which you need to be yourself, think about your audience, stand up and deliver a story with clarity, conviction and grace through a human connection. I realized that I should be authentic, trusting, persuasive and achieve an emotion.
I need to remember in each presentation why I’m there, what I want to accomplish, and make it memorable for the audience. So, it’s vital to know the audience and give them a great creative experience. Likewise, it’s relevant to figure out what’s important to deliver it to the audience. The way in which we need to sell our ideas is by delivering a work that is unexpected; that they hadn’t seen before. Other aspect that I will change is not to memorize speeches. The only thing that I really need to do is know the information and If I present with a team it’s essential to rehears by myself and with them to create chemistry between us. This is crucial for the clients, and everybody on the team. Besides, we must know the part of everyone.
A recommendation from the book that I will do is record myself on video for practice; hence, I can analyze what I’m doing right and what I need to do better.
Another point, that is mentioned in the book, is that If you want to be a famous creative director it is necessary to convincing the client that our work is the solution for their problem. So, I need to improve and practice since one of my objectives is to be a successful marketing director.
When I present it’s important to present with a magical beginning in order to grab the audience attention, tell them a story, use the correct tone of voice in each situation, use the appropriate words, use eye contact for credibility and connection. It is important to use the correct punctuation for give them suspense and catch their attention again. Our attitude has the power to persuade the audience.