- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

X-mas Dinner

Enviado por   •  26 de Noviembre de 2013  •  1.643 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  267 Visitas

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What is the VIP?

The VIP is a fun project in which kids have the space and time to expose to their classmates their favorite things. The topics that the students will use in this project have been carefully selected by the English department in accordance to the school level the kids are in. The purpose of this project is to encourage kids to speak English in front of a crowd.

The VIP concept consists of a week where a specific kid talks each day about a subject that has already been selected by the English department. The purpose of this Project is to encourage kids to speak in English through their favorites but also to evaluate the progress each student has had throughout the school year and evaluate their development in the speaking of the language.

Que es el VIP?

El VIP es un proyecto en el que el alumno expone algunos temas que previamente se le han asignado. El propósito de éste proyecto es motivar a los alumnos a hablar Inglés, haciéndolos hablar sobre sus cosas favoritas. Otra intención es evaluar el progreso que cada estudiante lleva durante el ciclo escolar, y evaluar su desarrollo en el habla del idioma.

When and for how long will my kid have to do this project?

This Project lasts the 5 days of the week, from Monday to Friday being Friday the closure day in which the student talks about a free topic and exposes it in front of the classroom and their parents who are invited to be witnesses of the fore mentioned Project’s closure.

Cada cuanto y por cuánto tiempo se lleva a cabo éste proyecto?

El proyecto dura los cinco días de la semana, de Lunes a Viernes; siendo el Viernes el día de la clausura. Éste día el alumno expone un tema libre frente a su grupo y a sus padres, quienes son invitados para ser testigos del proyecto.

How will I know what topic is my kid supposed to talk about?

The subjects that kids will have to expose are different according to the level of school they are in. The teacher will send a list of topics with some questions attached that may help you and your kid define what he/she will talk about.

Como voy a saber que temas va a exponer mi hijo?

Los temas que se exponen en el VIP son diferentes de acuerdo al grado en el que el alumno se encuentra. El maestro va a mandar una lista con todos los temas y algunas preguntas que sirven como guía para que el alumno fuera definir su exposición.

How will I know when is my kid‘s VIP is held?

The teacher will send home a circular with all the information about the VIP, everything they may and may not do adding to that the time and date in which the closure will be held. It is the parents’ responsibility to sign and send back the slip paper to the teacher.

Como voy a saber la fecha en la que le toca la clausura a mi hijo?

La maestra mandará una circular con toda la información sobre el VIP, todo lo que el alumno puede y no puede hacer. Añadida en ésta información vendrá la fecha y hora en la que se llevará a cabo la clausura. Es responsabilidad de los padres enviar el talón de la circular firmado.

What do I have to do when I arrive at the school for the VIP closure?

You will be received by a teacher from the English department at the time you were summoned; you will be escorted to the classroom where the VIP closure will be held at. There you will be received by your kid’s teacher and welcomed to the classroom. You will be able to witness the daily routine and you kid’s VIP closure.

Que debo hacer cuando llegue al colegio para la clausura?

Serás recibido por alguien del personal del departamento de inglés a la hora en la que fuiste citado; serás guiado hasta el salón en donde el VIP se llevará a cabo. Ahí serás bienvenido por los alumnos. Serás testigo del daily routine (rutina diaria) y de la clausura del VIP.

Are there any rules for the VIP project?

You will find all the rules in the circular the teacher will send home a week ahead to your kid’s VIP project.

Existen reglas para el VIP?

Encontraras todas las reglas en la circular que la maestro mandará a casa una semana previa al VIP.


What is the spelling bee?

The spelling bee is an intern contest in which students prove their spelling ability to spell words correctly. It is a contest held in all English speaking countries to develop orthography skills.

Que es el spelling bee?

Es un concepto international en el que los estudiantes demuestran sus habilidades de deletreo en el habla inglesa. En Terranova hacemos nuestro concurso de deletreo “Spelling bee” para motivar a los niños a aprender por medio del juego.

How often is it done?

It happens every month, students practice every month so that each bimonthly the winners of each month compete each other for the first place. The winning students are


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