- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Diferential Exercises

Enviado por   •  25 de Noviembre de 2014  •  705 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  140 Visitas

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Fears and Worries

1) List each of the symptoms presented for the client, as well specific information about each of the symptoms, such as

Symptoms When they began (duration) How often they occur (frequency) How severe they are (intensity)

Long history of anxiety Since he was a young child, but acute problem began 5 weeks ago. Always Severe

Panic attacks Third grade Three in the last month Recurrent

Dizziness Prior month Several times

Sweats Prior month Several times

Shortness of breath Prior month Several times

Headaches Prior month Frequent Uncomfortable

Stomachaches Prior month Frequent Uncomfortable

Petrified about being left sick and alone Kindergarten Several times a week Severe

Fears Since he was a young child Always Very intense

Negatively interpret the intentions of other children Since he was a young child Several times Very sensitive

2) List any strengths you see in the client. Are there indications of insight? How would you describe the client’s coping skills?

Strengths Indications of insight Coping skills

Parents support Desperate to get over his problems before starting high school.

Good grades

Several friends




Good mood

Goal oriented

Good cognition

Intact insight and judgment

3) List all disorders which you would include in a differential diagnosis (any diagnosis which could have the same symptoms). Explain your rationale in including these disorders.

Disorders Rationale

Panic disorder Logan has intense fears show by sweating, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Trigger by the possible

Somatic Symptom disorder Logan excessive anxiety and worry focused in becoming ill, with headaches and stomachaches.

4) What is your diagnosis for this patient (with diagnosis code number)?

309.21 Separation anxiety disorder with panic attacks.

Lost Interest in Life

1) List each of the symptoms presented for the client, as well specific information about each of the symptoms, such as

Symptoms When they began (duration) How often they occur (frequency) How severe they are (intensity)

Suicidal Day of the intake Severe

Lose interest in life 4 months earlier

Depression 4 months earlier Every day for most of the day

Weight lost Severe

Sleeping disturbances Every night Severe

Diminished energy

Concentration problems

Not able to do her work

Depressed mood 1 week earlier

Drinking Just started Every night More than usual

2) List any strengths you see in the client. Are there indications of insight? How would you describe the client’s coping skills?

Strengths Indications of insight Coping skills

Husband support Drinking two glasses of wine before bed.

Children support

Prescribed sertraline

Referred to a psychiatric evaluation

Employed with her current company for 13 years


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