- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo De Pelicula

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Essay of Courageous

Courageous is a film with a great Christian teaching, which describes the steps to be a good father according to God's standards.

The beginning of the film shows the life of a policeman with his family after his daughter dies. Her death leaves a big goal to accomplish - to see how difficult it is for children and families to grow up coping with the deaths of loved ones. Police officers do their job with great dedication and honesty and face many difficulties: the death of loved ones, the challenge of forgiving, unemployment and earning the acceptance of their children.

This film has taught me a big lesson and I learned that my parents have to learn to be parents, but I also have the challenge of learning to be a daughter. The part of the film that most relates to my life is when Javier undergoes unemployment and large economic needs, and in the midst of the storm his faith in God increased.

I always feared God, and I have learned to listen to God's answer and help myself to check His answer. I used to be spoiled with my parents due to the lonely and careless way in which I had been raised, but that is another story. I gave them what I received, creating anger inside of me. I received many opportunities to change, but I had to change through pain. I could not take what I had inside. God showed me that my achievement and success will come according to the performance of my works, and if the results are not what expected, I'll remain quiet. I started to give love, be dedicated, hardworking and learned to keep quiet. My family said my mom would not change. She would not be a loving person and would not be caring with children; instead she would be more concerned with money. But I changed, and what I could not change on my feet I did on my knees. She has changed slowly, but change or not, I forgive her and forgive myself. My life has changed. Now I get what I give and although sometimes It is not so, I do not take vengeance, nor blame. Now more than ever I confirmed that all will be judged individually. With this film I confirm that God hears our prayers but we have to work together.

When Javier rejected the job offer that forced him to lie, preferred to stay out of work and to carry the values of God, he and I confirmed that taking the side of God will always bring one out ahead. God allows trials to confirm our loyalty.

“A rich man gives a poor man a basket full of garbage, the poor man smiled and ran quickly with the basket; he emptied it and filled it with flowers and gave it back. The rich man was astonished and asked, "Why have you given me flowers," He asked, "If I gave you crap?" The poor man replied, "Everyone gives what is in their hearts."

In life we must meet the challenge to be brave, to have or create wisdom which comes as a result of the living. One of the greatest satisfactions of repentance when we make


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