Freedom Writers Discussion Questions.
Enviado por María Garcia • 10 de Mayo de 2016 • Examen • 752 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 1.226 Visitas
Freedom Writers Discussion Questions
- Mrs. Gruwell changed the ‘seating plan’ in her classroom. What was the immediate and then long-term impact on the climate of the class?
The immediate impact was not very significant and the class was still being divided in groups and with bad relationship between its members but as the times passed we could see how the climate of the class was improving considerably.
- What role does an ‘emotional connection’ play in the establishment of a meaningful relationship?
Without an emotional connection, a relationship is nothing but a business plan where no one care for the other person. An emotional connection establishes that concern for the other beings involved and allows people to open up to one another and trust each other.
- What observations did you make about the players as the line game progressed?
I could observed that when the teacher let them know that they were going to play a game almost all of them thought that it was a waste of time and stupid, but as the questions were deeper they started to understand that It was more than just a stupid game with stupid questions, and they started to identify with their classmates and to see that despite of their differences they were living similar things.
- How important is it to have a clear set of expectations and guidelines when bringing a ‘new concept’ online? What does doing so establish?
It is very important because as we have learnt during this semester the teachers expectations are very important and influence a lot student´s results.
- Did you anticipate the response that Mrs. Gruwell received on the invitation to hand in the journals for her reading? Do you think Mrs. Gruwell was surprised? What can you imply about the students response to this invitation?
Yes, I think I expected the response that Mrs. Gruwell received when she invited her students to hand in the journals, because I believe that at that point of the movie they were starting to trust her and they wanted her to understand their lives and what they were going though.
I think the teacher, Mrs. Gruwell, was very surprised, because she definitely was not expecting that response.
I think that probably for the students it was very hard to share their personal moments with their teacher but that in a way they needed to be “listened” or in this case “read”, and that response was a proof that they trusted her.
- How does Mrs. Gruwell’s personal purchase of the books tie into her respect for her students and her belief in them?
Erin Gruwell mocked the school system´s use of resources by saying, “Well, they can’t learn so let´s not waste resources”. By purchasing the new books for her students she was proving that she was willing to take that risk because she believed in them. This is in turn her way of showing and giving respects to her students, and expecting respect back through the treatment of the book.