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Personality And Its Basic Components

Enviado por   •  14 de Diciembre de 2013  •  479 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  391 Visitas

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Personality and its basic components

Personality is a dynamic set of psychological characteristics of a person,and the internal organization that determines that individuals act differently to a circumstance.

According to Freud, the structure of the personality is: the id, the ego and the super ego.

Five stages of the personality :

In oral stage which is the primary source of the child, is produced through the mouth, so rooting and sucking is especially important.

The other is the anal stage, Freud told the main focus of the libido was on controlling bladder and bowel movements.

The phalicc stage

The number 3 stage ise main focu of the libido is on the genitals. In this age the children start to descover the diferense betweenthe men and womans.

The laten period At this stage, the libido interests deleted and child begins to care more about the relationships and Interactual with other childrens

The Genital stage

And this is the last final stage of psychosexual development, the individual develops a strong sexual interest in the opposite sex. This stage begin at puberty, but during the rest of the life of a person.

Define and describe the defense mechanisms

and their role in psychoanalytic theory :


It is one of the most importants, and is to putt a barrier shameful feeling. The super ego acts canceling to it.


This mechanism is often used in youth and adult times. The ego trie to explains the super-ego with rational arguments.


Denial of reality consists in denying a fact because of the inability of the self so that it can assume.


It's another way of denying reality, realizing in imagination what you can not do in reality. A good example of this trend are the "lies" we usually mean when we explain something that has happened.


Is to reflect on the other's feelings, which by their nature are unbearable for me. The projection often occurs in social situations affective like jealousy.


Regression means retrogression back to the origin. Psychologically means going back to an earlier stage of life in which I was more protected. It is a typical phenomenon of childhoood.


Sublime means transforming an impure thing pureS. It is aboutT transforminGS the intinctive, the id, the impure, into something different that can socially accepted.


It tries to compensate for the failure of an activity with the triumph of another. Demontrating personally and in the eyes


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