- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Rev Chil Nutr Vol. 36, Nº1, Marzo 2009

Arturo Moreno L., Luis Toro Z.

Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Facultad de Medicina,

Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP), México.


Con el propósito de contribuir a la realización de los estudios de comunicación en San Luis Potosí se aborda un fenómeno social compartido desde la perspectiva de la ciencia médica y la comunicacional en una alianza que, lejos de caber con calzador, compenetró a la medida, avaló y arrojo aun más luz sobre esta gran pandemia, antecedente y consecuente de males que son padecidos a todas las edades: el sobrepeso y la obesidad.

El porcentaje de niños obesos que en la muestra se esperaba encontrar, coincidió con estudios hechos por la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí1; no obstante, la estadística indica que el problema puede ir en aumento en la pubertad. A esta


In San Luis Potosi, Mexico, an investigation about the TV as mediator of the obesity phenomenon was performed. This investigation was applied to children between six and thirteen years old, who were studying in elementary schools in the urban zone of the city and who came from medium class families. We applied four techniques of investigation: poll, discussion group, personal interview and content`s analysis. These techniques are used in quantitative and qualitative form by communication scientists, the first one (quantitative) to obtain hard data, and the next for getting information which is occult in mental representations and in the speech of individuals. It was proved that the overweight and obesity rate were low in the sample of 484 children. However, a high use of TV was related to a higher consumption of fats and sugar and a higher consumption of “junk food.”, proving the consumerism phenomenon. The consumerism, in both of its variants, was widely demonstrated in every single technique applied and visualized as a part of infant culture. In fact, TV is a mediator between the obesity and consumerism, part of a cultural system derived from the neoliberal and global system. Consumerism and obesity are related in an inherent way: any of them could not exist without the other. Children are caught by images and televise discurse which are daily reproduced in their social environment. They are a new generation in which we need to work on, studying and controlling these phenomenon or they may cause terrible consequences in a very near future.

Key words: Television; obesity; children; mediation; consumerism.

Este trabajo fue recibido el 16 de Septiembre de 2008 y aceptado para ser publicado el 20 de Enero de 2009.problemática se le añade un poderoso catalizador que contribuyó a incrementarla: la Televisión,


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