- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Features Evangelical Prison Chaplain Services

Enviado por   •  17 de Febrero de 2013  •  285 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  250 Visitas

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The Evangelical Chaplain


In this research work we some be the services evangelical prison chaplain.

The Evangelical Prison, religious services at 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm, every day.

The population fluctuates between 750-850 inmates.

The bulk of the population is between 25 and 45.

Inmates of minimum and medium custody receive religious services in an assigned area.

The Chaplain service in the jail

The overcrowding issue now facing the island jail prevents any intention to rehabilitate inmates.

One of the most worrying problems for Ministry is the need to involve families, churches and organizations to conduct comprehensive assessment.

There a ministry that is exclusively dedicated to track needed to achieve strategic alliances with churches, family and the workplace.

When the inmates get to identify the real problem, and seek their life with God's help to change behavior, the problem is solved soon.

The Society

In our society, church has the greatest potential to be a therapeutic community-healing service.

But when someone had a dark and is helped by the church, it helps in rehabilitation process.

Families, small groups of cells, trusted friends, often provide the aid needed in times of crisis and as individuals facing the readjustment to free life.

If believers are not ex-convicts properly oriented by the church restoration are potential candidates to backslide in to their old way trespasses of livelihood.


The Evangelical Chaplain cannot be ignored. Its mission is to serve people on this world.

The Evangelical Chaplain is willing to give their best to serve the community.

The Evangelical Chaplain is a members of the Church in the prisons of our country, as a body showing loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.


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