- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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A – Lea el siguiente texto sobre diferentes castigos y responda en castellano las preguntas a continuación del mismo. (8 x 5 = 40 puntos)


Community service is being used more and more as a punishment for young offenders, as an alternative to imprisonment. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of this system?

Nowadays young people who are convicted of a crime are as likely to be given community service as they are to be locked up. Naturally this system has both advantages and disadvantages.

In the first place, young offenders are often first offenders. If they are sent to prison, they may be pushed towards a life of crime. In contrast, community service may help integrate them into society. Another advantage is that it is a cheaper alternative to prison, as the offender continues to live at home. Besides, the offender is giving something back to the community instead of taking from it.

The main disadvantage is that while the idea of going to prison might act as a deterrent for some people, community service would not. Also, not all young offenders are first offenders. Some have been committing crimes from an early age and are already hardened criminals. They would regard community service as a “soft” option.

To sum up, it seems that there are as many advantages as disadvantages, and that while community service may work for some offenders, it fails for others.

(Taken from: New First Certificate. Masterclass. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS)

1/ ¿En qué casos se está utilizando más el servicio comunitario?


2/ ¿En qué proporción se castiga con servicio comunitario, comparado con el encarcelamiento?


3/ ¿Cuál es la primer ventaja mencionada del servicio comunitario sobre el encarcelamiento?


4/ ¿Cuál de las opciones es más conveniente según los costos? ¿Por qué?


5/ ¿Qué beneficio recibe la comunidad en el caso del servicio comunitario?


6/ ¿Cuál es la principal desventaja de la pena de servicio comunitario?



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