- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Guion De Ingles

Enviado por   •  23 de Noviembre de 2013  •  258 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  398 Visitas

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Alejandro What’s zap how do you make a Halloween

Eunice Great make in my house

Alejandro Ok the please is ready

Eunice I the invitated the other

Alejandro See you later in the center commercial

Eunice Ok

---------- ---------------------------------------------------

Eunisse (take the door of Itzel)

Itzel (Open the door) hi what’s happens?

Eunice Alejandro going to make a Halloween go?

Itzel Go what’s address the party

Eunice Avenue Dallas number 3

Itzel And your telephone number

Eunisse 5-6-5-4-2-1-6-7

itzel I tell my friends

Eunisse Bye I wait in the Halloween

Itzel Bye equal

----------- --------------------------------------------------------

K, AL, E y AY (walking in the center commercial)

All people Found

Aylin Hi they do around here

Eunice Buy the necessary of Halloween

Aylin If you want Karen and I do?

Alejandro Ok If you want

Karen Ok see you in the Halloween

Eunice See you

------------- ----------------------------------------------------

Karen y Aylin (entran en la tienda de disfraces)

Itzel (Approaches) good afternoon can I help you?

Aylin Good afternoon want some costumes

Karen One t-shirt of zombie and trouser broken please

Aylin And one pair of heles black an drees purple metalic and silver scarf

Karen How much it does cost

Itzel mmmm. let me see. Would 98 dolars please

Karen (take a purceand pay) here you go thanks you

Itzel (Bag happens to Aylin) see you later

Karen See you later

--------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Karen y Aylin Enter the supermarquet

Aylin (take the bag of chips) as you see it

Karen (take the soda) yes and also does not

Aylin Yes

Karen y Aylin (arrive in the box with the full car)

Itzel Going to take all this

Aylin Yes right

Itzel (finaly the go through all things) would all

Karen Yes no Aylin? And we lack nothing

Aylin If I think

Karen If miss serious all

Itzel Ok then lead four sodas giant seven chips jumbo tree packages the dishes and two packages glass

Aylin Yes how much does it cost

Itzel 124 dóllars

Karen (brings out of his purse Money and pay ) here is thanks you

------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All people (Dancing in the party Halloween)


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