- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  21 de Septiembre de 2013  •  627 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  642 Visitas

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Teacher, in first place I would like to say that this script is not for a short film, it's for a documentary, so there won't be dialogues.


Nowadays the world of every woman is very different, because the personality, the life style, the environment where they live, their families, and a lot of things more of each one is various.that are different for each of them.

There are fat women, thin women, black women, white women, tall women, short women, rich women, poor women, there are many different kind every kind of women.

Women are complicated: one day they want something and at the other day they want another thing, one day they like something and at the other day they dislike it (specially if we are talking about teenagers).

Women respect what they like to use and how they like to dress: Some girls like to use dresses, heels, skirts, be elegant all the time; others like to be girly and use a lot of pink clothes and sandals;other girls are more uncomplicated, like to use big clothes, manly shirts, they don't use much make up or accesories; there are also the sporty girls that prefer to be comfortables, because they like to move a lot or to do exercise; there are girls that prefer to use dark clothes, very "rocker" with jackets, or the "hippie"girls that uses long dresses and skirts with flowers prints.

Not only in the dress’ style the women show how different they are; The way they smile, they look, they speak, they walk, they eat, they comb and everything talks about them.

Now let's talk about the personalities and the preferences: Some women have a spontaneous personality, other a shy personality, maybe cute, or rude, motherly, or childish, friendly, sociable, or lonely, others are really lovely, and others funny. Some girls are food lovers and others prefer to take care of their figure eating less or making some exercise, going to the gym or making some sports.

¿What do the women do in their freetime? Well, some of theme like to read, to go to the library, to be quiet, to do yoga,to be relaxed, to sleep, others like to hang out with their boyfriend or their friends, like to go to dance, others are more academic and like to study, to know new things and investigate. Some others are more spiritual, and like to pray, to think, to listen to music, to make reflections.

Women have always been a symbol of life, because they are who engender life, and if they don't have children it doesn't matter because they also give love and support to anyone who need it. They are (almost) always available to help people, to make food, to go to sleep late and wake up early. They can handle a lot of pain, they can always make somebody happy, they have the capacity to correct and teach.

In the last decades the society has tried to sell the image of the perfect women, trying to make them change their styles,


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