- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Civil War Costa Rica guion ingles

Enviado por   •  17 de Abril de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  355 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  282 Visitas

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Script “Costa Rica Civil War”


  • Calderón Guardia
  • Teodoro Picado
  • Otilio Ulate
  • Press
  • Comunist Party
  • Jose Figueres Ferrer
  • Soldiers
  • Figuerres

Act 1: Bad Elections.

San Jose Downtown, A debate with  Calderon, Comunists, Ulate and Press

Calderon. We will create a new Costa Rica with a better ecomony

Comunist Party: *celebretation*

Ulate: We are going to  figth for best social helps

Press: *celebretation*

Calderon and Ulate: I´am your best choice

Comunist and Press: *celebration*

In Casa Presidencial, Teodoro and a friend

Friend: Calm, Teodoro, take it easy please, Calderon is going to win.

Teodoro: No, this person, Ulate is going to win, the ideology is totally lied

Friend: Wow, take it easy, please…

Teodoro: No, you do not, now how stressful is this job. It’s more than a simple election this is the war… Calderon vs Ulate *see to the Street throw a window*

Friend: But, can you controlled the elections?

Teodoro: Good idea *smile*

In the election day

In Teatro Nacional

Normal person: Now we are going say the winner from the elections with a difference of 4%.The winner is Otilio Ulate with 52% to the 48% of Calderon Guardia

Press: *celebration* Otilio,Otilio,Otilio

Teodoro: Hello *go to the normal guy and whispers* Say that Calderon win

N.P: But…

Teodoro: *it disrupts* Sayed only…

N.P: *With sad face* Sorry but the winner is…Calderon Guardia

Press 1: What?

Press 2: This is totally unfair.

Teodoro and Comunists: *celebration* Guardia,Guardia,Guardia

A few days later

In La Sabana Airport

Periodits: Now, we are here to see the come back of “Pepe” Figuerres

Figuerres: *greets*

Periodists: What is the pupose in your return?

Figuerres: Make a better Country. Thank you.

Act 2. Fight Back.

Soldiers: Now San Isidro del General is mine

In the newspapers “The war begins”

In Limon

Figuerres Sodiers: Attention, the General Figuerres

Figuerres: Thanks, now is time to fight.

Figuerres Sodiers: YEAH!!! *lift weapons to the air*

In the War

F.Soldier 1: From the Freedom of all the people * the soldiers attacks *

Soldier 1: Fire,Fire *throw a grenade*

F.Soldier 2: Grenade,protect your selves*protect*

Soldier 2: *holds another soldier* Doctor

Figuerres: And now we win this battle

S.Figuerres: YEAH!!! *lift weapons to the air*

*Soldiers give up*

In San Jose

General: They lost the war mister Picado…president


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