- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Jose Antonio Plancarte

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Spiritual life of Jose Antonio Plancarte and Labastida

The June 11, 1865 received Holy Orders in Italy, from the hands of Bishop Carlos Century, Bishop of Tripoli. He celebrated his first Mass on June 13, the feast of St. Anthony of Padua, at the altar of San Luis Gonzaga, in the Church of St. Ignatius in Rome. Once ordained, continually expressed his love and devotion to the Virgin in their pilgrimages to Marian shrines. He wrote: "Blessed be Mary, to whose devotion owe unsurpassed said to have entered the priesthood". With the blessing of Pope Pius IX, his great protector, returns to Mexico in November 1865, ready to devote himself body and soul to the good of his beloved homeland, fighting tirelessly to extend the Kingdom of God. Very soon he was appointed pastor of JACONA, Michoacán, where he stayed from November 27 1867 to April 24, 1882. Plancarte and Labastida Father began his educational work dedicating it to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Thus, the November 12, 1867, opened the College of the Immaculate Girls in JACONA, Michoacán. In his diary he wrote: "This day, consecrated by the Mexicans to Our Lady of Guadalupe, was the set for the opening of the first instruction for girls in the village of JACONA.'s Teacher and girls seventeen founders were prepared from day previous sacramental confession, and six o'clock Mass was sung by the Blessed Virgin, in which all took communion. then read provisional rules aimed moralizing girls and the curriculum. remained morning devoted to studies and work late; put meditation, examination of conscience and spiritual reading every day ... ". In 1873 he founded the Colegio de San Luis. In 1876, he established a free school for youth and a year later won the title of Propaganda Fide and privileges of a Missionary Apostolic.


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