- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Los Dinosaurios

Enviado por   •  12 de Enero de 2014  •  452 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  217 Visitas

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Es un gruo de reptiles que buscaron sobrevivir hasta donde pudieron

Red Tide

Red tides are a natural phenomenon ploriferación in an area of an indefinite number of dinofíceos (algae) that make the water becomes red and very toxic to all organisms that swim through these areas have even humans. Most of the algae that produce this red water are toxic and kill other marine animals can cause damage to the land because the sea emanating invisible vapors that cause itchy eyes and nose. When inhaled, burning throat, breathing becomes difficult, coughing is suffering and sometimes the skin becomes irritated.

Summer brings not only soft and warm breezes that fill the beaches with thousands and thousands of tourists, it can also bring a harmful red tide. It is a natural phenomenon caused by the accumulation in a marine area of a sufficient number of algae or sit, which make the water turn red and often toxic.

There are about 300 species of red tide-producing. A quarter are producing toxins.

These toxins can affect both the marine flora and fauna, and humans.

Some not all of these organisms, contain toxins that can harm humans, either directly or through the consumption of shellfish, fish or contaminated.

Today, the term "harmful algal bloom" is preferred over "red tide" because the blooms are not always red and have no direct relationship with the tides, and because the term "red tide" blooms includes many that are not harmful but excludes some are toxic but not discolor the water (for example, some highly toxic species can cause problems in sufficiently low concentrations that do not cause detectable changes in the color of water).

Credit Cards

The credit card is a tool or material user ID, which may be a plastic card with a magnetic strip, a microchip and a number embossed. It is issued by a bank or financial institution that authorizes the person to whom it is issued, to be used as means of payment in the system adhered to by his signature and business card display. It's another form of financing, therefore, the user supposed to assume the obligation to repay the amount drawn and pay interest, bank charges and fees agreed.

Credit cards are a financial instrument through which an institution, such as the card issuer, to its customer by signing a contract of adhesion, a line of credit up to a certain amount known as credit limit. The card-issuing institution grants a line of credit to the customer, which may have the resources through a plastic card that the institution gives him. The client can use it to pay for goods or services purchased, just present the card and sign the promissory note, known as "voucher", where the total amount of purchase is set.


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