- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Religión of Venezuela

Venezuela, like most nations of South America, is a predominantly Catholic nation. The influence of the Catholic Church was introduced after its colonization by Spain. According to government estimates, 88% of the population is at least nominally Catholic, and the remaining 12% members of another religion, Protestant, agnostic or ateo. estimates of the Evangelical Council of Venezuela, evangelical Protestants constitute 10% by percent of the population.

There are small areas of Muslim and Jewish communities. The Muslim community of more than 100,000 is concentrated among people of Lebanese and Syrian descent in places like Spartanburg, Puerto La Cruz, Fixed Point and the area of Caracas. The Jewish community of about 13,000 are concentrated in Caracas.

Venezuela is also notable for its important religious syncretic tradition, especially in the figures of Mary and Jose Gregorio Hernandez Lionza.

Religion Nominally 96% of the population is Catholic, the rest is made up of people who practice other religions: Protestant Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, etc.., While some groups practice religions with some pre-Hispanic roots. There are groups of atheists, as in the rest of the world.

Religious Practitioners assets have declined considerably Afro populations develop mixed Catholicism with African religions called Santeria.

Venezuela has a diversity of churches. We have ventured to make a small selection of the churches that we consider most important, either for its religious significance, or for its architectural beauty.


Easter is celebrated with fervor across the country. One of the oldest and most beautiful traditions, which has developed more than 220 years is that of Chacao Palmeros


Christmas is the richest period in popular religious festivals. On the next page shows the main activities in which people show their devotion to the Child Jesus: Christmas in Venezuela


The practice of religion is evidence for thousands of years, long before the invention of writing. Worldwide, since prehistoric times, the belief in the existence of a higher reality or be served to define and create cultures. Religion has taken countless forms and constantly new expressions.

Despite the cultural and social changes Venezuela is considered a country with many religious events and they are varied. In many cases, there are regions of the country who worship a virgin or an especially holy and fairs are held, celebrating Masses, processions and there are parties with music, songs and flowers, among other activities to celebrate the day of his employer or who consider patron.

A Thus we have the people of Zulia state, who in November celebrating the "Feria de la Chinita", the Nueva Esparta state and show equal fervor honor


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