Semana Santa
Enviado por melcholiz • 7 de Abril de 2015 • 807 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 210 Visitas
Easter is the most intense of all year liturgical moment. However, for many Catholics has become only once for rest and fun. They forget the essential: this week we devote to prayer and reflection in the mysteries of the Passion and Death of Jesus to take advantage of all the graces that this brings. To live Holy Week, we give God the first place and participate in all the richness of their own celebrations of this liturgical season. This Week begins with Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. Live Holy Week is accompanied Jesus with our prayer, sacrifice and repentance of our sins. Attending to the Sacrament of Penance these days to die to sin and rising with Christ on Easter Sunday. The importance of this time is not sadly remembering what Christ suffered, but to understand why he died and rose again. Is to celebrate and relive delivery to death for our sake and the power of his resurrection, which is scoop ours. Easter was the last week of Christ on earth. His Resurrection reminds us that the men we were created to live forever with God.
On Palm Sunday, when came to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, Jesus asked his disciples to bring a donkey and rode. He entered Jerusalem, and many people joined and received like a king with palm shouting "hosanna". While this was happening, the Jewish priests seeking pretexts to put him in jail because they were afraid to see how people loved him more and as they had acclaimed to enter Jerusalem.
Monday was Jesus into Jerusalem, cursed the fig tree that did not give fruit and threw the temple those who defiled. In the afternoon he returned to Bethany and her sisters offer a dinner. Mary takes a perfume with which anoints the feet, Judas Iscariot questions why such flavor is not sold to donate money, to which Jesus replies "leave it; I had kept for the day of my burial; for the poor always have with you, but I do not always have me.”
On Tuesday turned back to Jerusalem and worked hard all day, teaching his doctrine and holding strong disputes with scribes and Pharisees Herodians. That day afternoon, the popes were determined to take him and kill him.
Jesus expects His disciple’s treason.
On Wednesday Jesus was in Bethany with his apostles in family home of Lazarus.
Judas would go to Jerusalem to buy the lamb had to sacrifice the next day, and took this out to agree the sale of Jesus for thirty pieces.
Jesus prepared for the sacrifice that was to deliver in two days to his Father for the salvation of the world. While his enemies were prepared to vent against Jesus all the hatred in their hearts.
On Thursday afternoon, up to Jerusalem, celebrated the Passover, instituted the Holy Eucharist and the Catholic priesthood and then