Requisito 1era Etapa 1er Semestre
Enviado por bebto • 3 de Noviembre de 2015 • Apuntes • 611 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 196 Visitas
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Ana Paula del Villar Molina.
Group 122.
Information and Communication Technology 1.
- Explain the following concepts.
- Desktop: Is the wide-screen area where we work in the computer.
- Mouse Pointer: Is used to select and/or execute a file or a program.
- Task Bar: Used to Access to other applications.
- Icon: Are images that are used to identify a file, folder, programs, shortcuts, etc.
- Status Area: Shows info, date, status and time.
- Open Applications Area:
- Start Menu: A Blank area where we can personalize files.
- Hardware: Physical components of the computer.
- Operative System: It’s the platform where all programs in our computer works.
- Types of Libraries in Windows 7: Documents, Pictures, Music and Videos.
- Computer: Is the system that composes the whole hardware and software.
- Antivirus: It’s an application or program that protects our computer from viruses.
- Interface: The interface is the medium where the user introduces orders or commands to the operative system and this to the hardware.
- Types of Interfaces:
- Command Line Interface: The operative system provides a command line in wich user introduces the instructions or commands formed by character.
- Graphical Interface: The execution of commands and programs is achieved by selecting figures or icons that represent them.
- Equivalencies for Bite, bite, megabyte, gigabyte and terabyte:
- 1 Bit (There isn’t something that small.)
- 8 Bits = 1 Byte
- 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte.
- 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte.
- 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte.
- 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte.
- Recycle Bin: Is used as a file container, where it is stored all the files that you delete.
- Movie Maker: It’s a free program of Windows that permits you create and share movies of your creation.
- Input Devices: They are the ones that from which information is introduced to the computer to be processed or transformed.
- Output Devices: They are the ones that data previously transformed or processed. Like Printers or speakers.
- Types of Networks:
- LAN - Local Area Network: A LAN connects network devices over a relatively short distance.
- WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network: a LAN based on WiFi wireless network technology.
- WAN - Wide Area Network: a WAN spans a large physical distance. The Internet is the largest WAN, spanning the Earth.
- Binary Code: A binary code represents text or computer processor instructions using the binary number system's two binary digits, 0 and 1.
- Process to personalize the task bar:
Contextual Menu in Start Menu > Properties > Task Bar > (Select your preferences.) > Apply.
- Process to change the desktop background:
Contextual Menu in the area of Desktop > Properties > Select Your Image > Select the Position > Save.
- Differences between ROM and RAM:
- Jump List: Windows 7 includes a Jump List, that is just a list of the recent documents of a program, jus like Doc1, Doc2 for Word.
- Firewall: It’s the whole system that protects our computers and prevent that hackers get access to out computers.
- Examples of input and output devices:
- Types of icons:
- Document Icons.
- Application lcons.
- Toolbar Icons.
- Menu Icons.
- Differences between file and folder: A folder is any individual item in your PC, lt could be a photo, a Word document, or video. Folders contains this files.
- Differences between Folder and Libraries: A folder is simply a container for storing files. A Library doesn’t contains files. A Library provides a single aggregated view of multiple files of folders and their contents.
- Application Software: Is a program or a group of programs designed for end users. These programs are divided into two classes, system software and application software.
Run: Start.
Boot: It is a verb to start the operative system.
Contextual Menu: The right button or the mouse.
Load: Open something.
By default:Standard setting.
Execute: Apply the instructions.
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